ForoTemas generales sobre juegoTips for avoiding scams in online gambling

Tips for avoiding scams in online gambling (página 6)

hace 7 meses de bellagonzalez84
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hace 2 semanas

I mean if you have such a "capital", when you should avoid Europe , it's Asia that you seek..Here is my post, sorry, I am high, early at the morning. I mean, mate, in Asia no limits. No limits for nothing. People do bet 10 000 euro and nothing happens. It's normal there...And they don't care what do you win. As long someone is betting against you...No all the markets, no..But for the casino, you can bet whatever and no restrictions . nothing, you can withdraw you money at the moment. If you want to..I mean for the sports bets, you can bet 10 000 , as long someone is betting against you, if the coefficient is low, you can bet even more..And they don't ban people, why should they!? If you win, they want to win WITH YOU, they want you to win. Their money are not your money.They don't want your money. If you play sport bets.

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
hace 2 semanas

I mean the bets are so large, they are full of money, they don't need your 10 000 or 20 000 or whatever. They need info. 2% is the margin, only two. If you are a clever one, you can beat that and pay nothing for gambling. Or even win..I mean +EV bets..Of course it's be a little, 2-3% ROI, but it's different from gambling, you pay 2-3% at every bet. To gamble in the casino..If you use 100$ bet at some slot, you pay $3 very time, 100 times at hour. Simple math...Very expensive "hobi"..If you know nothing, you can just support them. For example England - Angola, some match , there almost for certain England will win. everyone is betting for England, millions and millions in bets. They need support, so support them. They will pay you for that...If you win, you both win, you and the booky, you win together..I am not lying..Why should I ?

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
hace 2 semanas

What do I mean..Maybe it's hard to understand. For example the same match. It's 2 or 1.95 for Angola +3.5 handicap , i don't know the exact strength, this is just for the example. You see in the other bookmakers 1.80 for the same selection. This means "Help!". This means "it's too much, help us". And you answer, you bet at this. And you make a +EV bet. It's still gambling, but the chances are better for you, not for the house, like in the casino betting.And if Angola loose only with 3 goals, you both win, you and the booky. They win as well..You are not an "enemies". But friends...They don't "hate" you, they don't want you to loose, they want you to win.

And if you are such a crazy gambler, you can bet for 0:0. They will pay you even more...And like you even more, lol..But you will loose very often. Still will be +EV bet, because the coefficient will be very high. If you have enough money, nothing wrong in that. You are not a "pure gambler", you are a "pro bettor".

And what about the skills? Let's say you know something about some team. You follow this team, you know everything. You see something and the coefficient is wrong. You see this as "wrong" . You know something, what they don't. You bet, you win, they loose money. They still don't hate you. They start to follow you. Next time you bet, they change the odds after your bet. "Ok, lets see what you know about this". You win, they win as well. You are friends again...

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
Publicado por mblank se ha borrado
Publicado por Mskdcs5 ha sido borrado por Romi
Motivo: Anuncio
hace 2 semanas

I am just joking 🙂...You can delete everything..Or I will..

Publicado por mblank se ha borrado
hace 2 semanas

"Mando"?..."Clearly"? How this can be more clear? If you see some Asian house, they say "pro players welcome". And this is not a joke. The pro players and Asian houses make profit TOGETHER. From people like you. But a lot richer people. Who are attracted from the lower margin. Which is possible, because the Asian booky have pro players behind them, they work together. And no one can beat the pro players. Even the bookies with all this "AI", algorithms, data base and etc..And you are just a gambler. Go on, go gamble , hoping for a big win. Having "fun". It's no "fun" in this. Nothing funny to lose a money. In some stupid looking game. With all this fruits, animals and etc. Goon, have fun...Pay for my rent. And thank you...

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
hace 2 semanas

Dear player,

As you can see, we admins are not the only ones who don't understand you. Could you perhaps try to avoid other misunderstandings and use your mother tongue instead? This forum provides an inbuilt auto translator; perhaps it's time to give it a try. I would also like to remind you that your tone is not very friendly. Please be respectful, or your post will be hidden and your account closed.

We all aim to have friendly and easy-to-comprehend conversations without offensive tone or "stupid gambler" expressions.

Shall we agree on following the guidelines, please?

I hope we can.

hace 2 semanas

¿Crees que quedará más claro? ¿Con el traductor? Creo que me expreso con bastante claridad en inglés. Pero bueno... Se ríe y se burla de mí. ¿Así es como vamos a jugar? Vale... Pero sí, él es el gracioso aquí. Te da una cantidad de dinero en un juego que se describe en todas partes como un juego "perdedor". Nadie le miente. Nadie le dice lo contrario. Si juegas, PERDERÁS. Pierde y luego encuentra defectos en alguien. No en ti mismo, sino en otra persona. Que eran unos impostores. ¿Quién te hace jugar cuando te dicen que vas a perder? Y ahora estás refunfuñando. Y te ríes de alguien que dice que puedes ganar dinero con eso, siempre que lo hagas correctamente. No hay "dinero fácil" en esta vida. No ganarás si te pones a jugar a estas máquinas con frutas, monos, etc. No... Hasta un niño lo entendería. No hay nada malo en "divertirse" siempre que puedas permitírtelo. Pero quejarse ya es gracioso. Y es una vergüenza...

Traducción automática:
hace 2 semanas

Bet365 eran "estafadores". Esto es lo que dijo... Bet365 es el mayor operador deportivo. Y gana miles de millones con las apuestas deportivas. Donde no es posible hacer trampa. A bet365 no le importan tus centavos... no los necesitaban. Cometen delitos para quitártelos. De todos modos, te los vas a dar tú mismo...

Traducción automática:
hace 2 semanas

I sincerely hope it will be simpler to understand your viewpoints. To be honest, I do not really want to carry this conversation much farther.

If at all possible, please be courteous and at least somewhat instructive. However, I like the concept you presented earlier:

"I am just joking 🙂...You can delete everything..Or I will.."

Figures, I guess. 🙂

Publicado por mblank se ha borrado
hace 2 semanas

Bet365 eran "estafadores". Esto es lo que dijo... Bet365 es el mayor operador deportivo. Y gana miles de millones con las apuestas deportivas. Donde no es posible hacer trampa. A bet365 no le importan tus centavos... no los necesitaban. Cometen delitos para quitártelos. De todos modos, te los vas a dar tú mismo...

Traducción automática:
hace 2 semanas

Have you noticed that the topic of this thread and forum is online casinos rather than sports books?

Once more, I am not really sure what is wrong. "That they commit crimes to take them from you. You're going to give them to yourself anyway..."? I have no clue. Try to put some logic into your post, or I'm going to delete such messages.

I fear this is going to end up as you suggested anyway:

"What do you want? If you don't want me here, this will be my last post. I don't want to offend anyone. This is your site, not mine...After all..."

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
hace 2 semanas

This means "I don't care". At all...Why should I? Ok, delete everything. I tried to help, but I think it is not possible. Those people are SICK. With red eyes, hoping for "the big win". "I will win, I will win"...You not deserve to win. At first place...If you have so much luck, or if you believe in this, then do something else. The "pro gambling" at least give you more chances. Because the bets a +EV, not -EV. Ok, lets be "gambling". Pro gambling is still "gambling" , that's why is not a good "job". If you have another options, you must choose this, this "options". What's why almost all the pro players are from poor countries. Because it not worth it. Not as main income. What I am saying? I am saying "If you are such a sick gambler and you can't quit, make +EV bets at least, learn how to do that". And then complain...You will have the rights to do it..

hace 2 semanas

The casino owners actually are "pro gamblers". But at global scale..Think about that. Am I lying? But they talk for them as "businessmen" . No one will say to the casino owner "you are a gambler", it sounds funny and stupid. My bankroll was $10 to $5 000. In the past years...And still I won $250 000. The biggest profit was $3000 and this was freeroll, I was a regular player and one of the rewards for this activity was an entry in this freeroll. Am I a gambler? I am...Still I am something else. Not like those gamblers. Here...In this site. So do you UNDERSTAND now?

Editado por el autor hace 2 semanas
Publicado por IIIIII ha sido borrado por Radka
Publicado por IIIIII ha sido borrado por Radka
hace 1 semana

Mi experiencia en es la misma que la tuya, como empecé muy duro con giros y bonus Bay-Em, que se dice que es sin estrategia, solo por mi.. y bastante rápido llegué al nivel 4, que permite retiros de 1000 erv cada día.....Como tuve suerte durante unos 5 o 6 días tuve un pago de 1000 euros....AHORA VIENE LO MÁS IMPORTANTE.....Como tenía bastante dinero en el sitio (estamos hablando de decenas de miles de euros) el caso es que me bajan del nivel 4 al nivel 1 y el pago máximo es de 500 euros.....Para resumir, esperé 9 días para el siguiente pago, y luego me devolvieron el pago a mi cuenta del casino... A partir de ese momento va cuesta abajo y con los abogados no ayudó.....POR FAVOR LEAN ESTO CIENTO PERSONAS MÁS Y LES RUEGO A CADA JUGADOR QUE LEA TODOS LOS TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DEL CASINO... AUNQUE ESTOY EN GANANCIAS, LA MAYOR PARTE DEL DINERO NO HA SIDO PAGADO Y HAY INCONTABLES MENTIRAS DEL OPERADOR... CUANDO ELEGÍ ESTE CASINO ESTABA ENTRE LOS 10 MEJORES CASINOS EXTRANJEROS EN LA REPÚBLICA CHECA, ASÍ QUE AL DIABLO CON LOS OBJETIVOS Y BUSQUE UN CASINO POR RECOMENDACIÓN Y LUEGO COMPRUEBE ESA RECOMENDACIÓN 20 VECES... Gracias a todos y buena suerte.

Traducción automática:
hace 1 semana

I believe that this is not of your best experiences when it comes to online casinos.

As I read the whole post, just wanted to stop at the point where you said that you dropped the levels. It is quite common that when a player stops depositing, the VIP level will go down. More deposits and playing means a higher level.

I would like to offer you help from our complaints team. They can investigate the matter with your withdrawals and hopefully come to the best resolution. What do you say?

If you wish to file a complaint, please follow this link to do so.

We'll wait for your reply here.

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