PrincipalForoCasinosExperiencias del casino Rooster

Experiencias del casino Rooster

 de nspostilaatikko
1.905 visualizaciones 5 respuestas |

Es común que incluso hoy en día se sigan solicitando documentos apilados torcidamente.

Licencia de conducir, carta con menos de 3 meses de antigüedad mostrando la dirección y el logo del remitente. Así es, esa carta ya no llegará.

Así como información de la cuenta bancaria, lo depositado en el casino y el IBAN.

Así funciona Gallo.

Traducción automática:

Hey there.

I must admit, I found nothing unusual on the list of documents you mentioned. These are considered standards, if you ask me.

I feel it's worth a short notice that such requirements are allied to the casino's license, among other things. That's why you most likely avoid KYC verification in unlicensed crypto casinos.

Yet I thank you for your contribution, which might help others understand how things work a bit.

Allow me just one question, though: did you mean Rooster Bet Casino 👈?

Your response is much appreciated.

Parece ser sólo un casino Rooster.

Ahora envié allí el extracto bancario, un documento sobre el pago, capturas de pantalla de los pagos y me pidieron que solicitaran un certificado del banco donde está la información que necesitan. Serán evidentes a partir de estas medidas em.

La paciencia empieza a ponerse a prueba cuando se pasa el día con el asunto. 😬

Traducción automática:

Hello there. Do you know what I've been thinking about? Do you seek something concrete by switching accounts in the same conversation, or is it just a pure coincidence? 🤔

Also when you say Rooster casino, do you mean this one here 👈 , right? Here is the screenshot as well, just in case.


Could you , please, confirm that, so we do not make any mistake? 🙏

I can understand your frustration in this matter, but it is always best to cooperate with the casino and provide all the documents they ask for, to have better chance of receiving your money. Don't you think?

Sí, no estoy buscando nada. Inicié sesión desde un grupo diferente, así que ahora tengo dos nombres de usuario 😳

Es exactamente el casino de la imagen. Entiendo que hay que cooperar y hubiera sido más fácil si las instrucciones hubieran sido claras.

Traducción automática:

It's probably best if you use one, there won't be any confusion. 

Also, thanks for clarifying that this is the casino in the picture. 

As Romi suggested, the best thing to do is to cooperate, and if something is not clear to you in terms of verification, the best thing to do is to ask the casino support, which should be the primary source to give you information and advise you on what you don't understand. 

However, if you are interested, you can also write here what is not clear to you and maybe we have already encountered it and could recommend something. 🙂

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