PrincipalForoCasinosTema general sobre Macau Casino

Tema general sobre Macau Casino

 de Simenon
5.322 visualizaciones 14 respuestas |
Si quieres hablar de cualquier tema relacionado con Macau Casino, como sus juegos, bonos, métodos de pago, problemas con tu cuenta, funciones de juego responsable o cualquier otro asunto, este es el lugar.

Buenas noches,

quería saber que opinión le merece Macau Casino. Si se puede perder dinero, y si el bono funciona como una freebet. Según dicen no tiene ningún requisito de apuesta. Es así?

Hi Simenon.

According to their website and also our communication with the support, the welcome bonus of Macau Casino should be wager-free (we have not even received any negative feedback about it). Let me know if you require further assistance.

Creo que Macau es el mismo e identico casino a Ybet. Vean la web de este casino y es exactamente igual.

Respecto a los retiros, no se abre la pagina y en Ybet tampoco dicen el tiempo de procesamiento.


Hello canaberto,

So you could not place the withdrawal request through Macau's website, am I right, please?

I ask you kindly to stick to the Ybet's forum thread that is discussing this particular casino, so it's clear which casino we're talking about.

(I can see you even submitted the complaint against Ybet.)

solo y como comentario dije que Macau casino es del mismo grupo de el casino Ybet porque si vemos la web de los dos casinos son identicas y además el propietario es el mismo :


Crei que esto les ayudaria


I get it. Thank you very much.

Hope your complaint (Ybet) will be solved soon.


No es una queja, es simplemente decirles que si es el mismo propietario el del casino Macau y el del casino Ybet, creo que debeis decirlo en la web de Guru.

Mirn bien porque son identicos en todo.




we provide the information that both are owned by ALAMARO ENTERPRISES N.V.

It is perfectly visible to every player. Check Ybet and Macau, it's right under the withdrawal limits:


By complaint, I meant your already submitted complaint against Ybet 🙂

Esta confirmado en el chat de Ybet : el casino Macau es hermano del casino Ybet. Deberian ustedes saberlo, solo es una observación mia

saludos y gracias


Hello and thank you.

I forwarded this information to my colleague. 👍


I would like to add that this company is discontinued in Curaçao. Means the casino doesn't have a company operating from there, and for sure no licence.

Also the company number in Slovenia indicate on the casino is an engineering company in Slovenia...

Weird fact about them..


Good point Tamera:

"We could not verify the validity of this casino's license

This casino has a license listed on its website, but we were not able to verify it. This means that the license might be fake."

Hello There!

few months ago i open account with Macau casino ,i won there they approved my documents and everything went fine until this week, i won 3 weeks ago 6700 on slots, took them more then 2 weeks to paid the first withdrawal of 5000(they calming to be fastest withdrawals on the market) then i try to log in and i see my account is locked with no explanation ,i try to contact them but they don't answer and on live chat they cut me off. This casino still owes 1600 euro and its sister casino(pariscasino)owes 2100 euro and I don't know what to do. Can you please help me to figure this out?



I can see that your complaint against the Macau Casino has now been reviewed, meaning you did the best thing to be helped. ✌

I was unable to find the second casino in our system, so it has been forwarded to your data team for review soon.

You can however submit the complaint even now by picking up the option "I do not know the casino", then just paste the casino's link directly to the complaint, please.

In both cases, I wish you good luck and a fair ending.

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