PrincipalForoConcursosI won a couple of tournaments but never got any prize

I won a couple of tournaments but never got any prize (página 3)

 de galendaandrea
15.953 visualizaciones 51 respuestas |
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El bono no se puede usar cuando intentas pagar, dice Jo's, ingresa algo y luego... no se puede presionar el botón continuar... y el bono está ahí... Pero continúa pagando con él... no puedo... en amazon dicen como actualizar y luego otra vez pero no funciona

Traducción automática:

In this case, you will probably have to contact them and ask for some better advice. Try some support or email and explain your problem.

I hope you will be able to use it. 👍☘️

Hello! I wonder if you have any information about the free tournaments that you have at gurucasino. I was in a tournament and now saw that I came in second place in the competition. How do I get my prize? Grateful for answers.


Hello, if you finished second at the end of the tournament, keep an eye on your email in the next few days and you'll get all the information you need there. Of course, check your spam folder from time to time, and if you don't get anything, be sure to get in touch and we'll see if there's been a misunderstanding somewhere. 🙂

Super! Thanks!

Buenas noches,quedé en segundo lugar en un torneo mensual y el premio es de 250$ .Me llegó el correo electrónico para confirmar el mail y no tengo ninguna respuesta.Cuanto tiempo tarda el cupón de Amazon en llegar?


Big congratulations, nice win!

Have you confirmed everything well as required already?

In that case, do not worry at all; soon Juraj will get back to you and you will receive the voucher.

If you see that is really taking too long, let us know; just it won't be on our side anymore, but the game providers side. I hope it won't last long before you get it tough. 🙂


Yo respondí al mail,no se exactamente cómo se requiere la confirmación del mail.Si me podría especificar como se realiza se lo agradecería.Un saludo


All the information is provided in the email. If you have replied to it, you will get an update soon, and if there is something more you have to provide, our team will inform you about it.

Please be patient, and hopefully it won't be long before you get your voucher.


Vale,yo creo que todo está correcto.Si necesitas que aporte alguna captura de pantalla del mail te la puedo enviar,de todas formas sigo esperando.Un saludo


According to what I saw the voucher should be sent so let me know if you received it or not.🙂


Ya recibí el cupón de Amazon hoy,muchas gracias por todo.Un saludo


Congratulations, enjoy it and good luck in the next tournaments. ☘️😊

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