ForoQuejasPosh Casino Withdrawal

Posh Casino Withdrawal

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Requested withdrawal of winnings on March21, 2024, over 3 months ago. It is now June 26, 2024, and nothing received. I have contacted the casino numerous times (several times per month), and I receive the same email excuse each time, blaming the slow pay on their payment processor. This contradicts their "Rules" stated on their website. I played with deposited crypto funds. This casino doesn’t honor their stated "Rules" as stated.

hace 2 meses

Buenos días, yo también jugué allí, pero tuve experiencias positivas. Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto conmigo personalmente. Puedo darte un número de WhatsApp que puedes usar para ponerte en contacto. Saludos cordiales Karin

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Requested withdrawal of winnings on March21, 2024, over 3 months ago. It is now June 26, 2024, and nothing received. I have contacted the casino numerous times (several times per month), and I receive the same email excuse each time, blaming the slow pay on their payment processor. This contradicts their "Rules" stated on their website. I played with deposited crypto funds. This casino doesn’t honor their stated "Rules" as stated.

hace 2 meses

That is a really long time you're waiting now. May I ask which casino exactly is this, please? You can even post the URL of this casino, so we do not make any mistakes.

Have you played there for a long time? Is your account fully verified?

I would suggest you file a complaint so our team can get a chance to investigate and hopefully solve this issue. Just use this link if you wish to do so.

hace 2 meses

Buenos días, yo también jugué allí, pero tuve experiencias positivas. Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto conmigo personalmente. Puedo darte un número de WhatsApp que puedes usar para ponerte en contacto. Saludos cordiales Karin

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

It was nice to hear that. So, you know exactly which casino it is?🤷‍♀️ i couldn't detuct it from the post above.

Have you tried to write a user review before, perhaps? You can write about your experiences with online casinos, and maybe that way you can help others. What do you say?😉

hace 2 meses

Hola, sí, se mostró arriba. Entonces parece ser Posh Casino. En ese entonces me dieron un número de WhatsApp para resolver esas preguntas y funcionó de maravilla. Le pasaría este número a esta persona y esta persona podría intentar solucionarlo. Es un equipo que trabaja directamente con los casinos.

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Thank you. It's just that we don't have it in our database, so I would like to make sure precisely which it is. Not to make any mistakes, you know.

I just wanted to remind you that we also have our dedicated complaints team here, which always does their best to solve every case. And it is free of charge, as you already know.😉

hace 2 meses

i have played this casino in the past, but went over a year before playing again. My account is fully verified and updated. I will file a complaint.

Thank you for your help.

hace 2 meses

Yesterday we were experiencing another DDoS attack, if you had any trouble submitting the complaint back then, please, try that now. the website and all its features should be working normally now.

I'll be here to assist you, don't worry.

hace 2 meses

You have already said since is an "invitation only" casino, you couldn’t help me. Sorry they can get away with not paying someone’s winnings.

hace 2 meses

Hola. Si Yo también tengo la misma problema con el PoshCasino los mejor seria que no jueguen en ese casino. Yo Tengo 2 retiro aprobado el día 10 y 19 junio y todavía nada.

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You have already said since is an "invitation only" casino, you couldn’t help me. Sorry they can get away with not paying someone’s winnings.

hace 2 meses

I know that in the past, the Compalint Team could not resolve such complaints. The way I see it, you have tried already, but the attempt was rejected. I'm sorry to see that, of course.

Playing in "invitation-only" casinos is far riskier than in standard online casinos, I'm afraid.

Can you, somewhere on their website, find out whether this VIP room is licensed? I would try to contact the licensing authority if you find the information.

hace 2 meses

Hola. Si Yo también tengo la misma problema con el PoshCasino los mejor seria que no jueguen en ese casino. Yo Tengo 2 retiro aprobado el día 10 y 19 junio y todavía nada.

hace 2 meses


Sorry to hear that. Have you too played in the "invite-only" VIP room? I would hate to raise up false hopes for a complaint. So, let us know, please.

hace 2 meses

Hola si también fui invitado por ellos vip1

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hace 2 meses

La invitación que recibí del casino

Editado por el autor hace 2 meses
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