ForoSugerencias y comentariosCasino. Guru complainservice

Casino. Guru complainservice

hace 2 meses de Anonymized641
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hace 2 meses's complaint services are a complete joke. You can forget about them solving anything you can't solve yourself. I have to say that I really liked this site and over time I developed trust in it. This turned out to be completely the opposite. They support the casinos, no doubt about it.

I filed a complaint about Slotmonster Casino.

I initially had an account with Slotmonster, played, and lost a lot. Then I opened an account on Instantcasino, Slotmonster's sister site. I also played there and lost a lot. I wrote an email stating that I was addicted to gambling and explained the negative impact gambling had on my life. I ASKED THE CASINO TO CLOSE MY ACCOUNT PERMANENTLY ON INSTAWIN AND ALL SISTER SITES. I then received an email that the accounts were closed. BUT the next day, I could still open my account on Slotmonster and continue losing money. Those of us who have been playing at casinos for a few years KNOW that when you write to a casino saying you are addicted to gambling and ASK them to CLOSE your account on ALL their sister sites, that should be enough. That should be the end of the story and the accounts should be closed.

Apparently, doesn't think this is enough. Apparently, you have to write to every single casino within their group.

I noticed very early on that I had a case they didn't want to take. I mean, it took 1.5 weeks with a lot of questions that had already been answered.

I just want to say that I'm totally fine with it. The money is lost anyway. But for those of you thinking about filing a complaint through this site, you're just wasting your time. I will never visit this site again. I'll copy how I wrote to the casino and how I should have written according to

Here is how i wrote.

Hello friends!

I would like to ask you to close my account with you and all your sister sites.

I am a gambling addict and have been playing casino games since 2010. Along the way, I have not only lost over 300k euros, but I have also lost friends, family, children, and everything that matters. I gamble not to win money but due to my addiction. Even if I won a million, I would still keep gambling. I lost myself a long time ago.

Could you please close my account? Thank you.

Thank you for reading. Best regards.

jag skulle vilja tacka för min tid här. Jag vill också gärna att ni raderar mitt konto.

hace 2 meses

Este comportamiento de los casinos curaco en el juego responsable es incomprensible, y estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo en que cuando pides bloquear sitios hermanos esto debería ser suficiente. En mi opinión, casinoguru también debería tomar esto más en serio; si el jugador solicita el bloqueo de sitios hermanos, también debe configurarlo.

sin embargo, curaco casinos y casinoguru justifican que curaco casinos y sitios hermanos operan con una licencia separada, esto es una completa mentira. Todos los sitios hermanos tienen la misma licencia, los mismos empleados, la misma administración, el mismo buzón. Acaban de encontrar una escapatoria para quitarles más dinero a los jugadores problemáticos a pesar de que gritan y piden ayuda.

Tengo mi propia experiencia personal con esto, le pedí a curaco casino que bloqueara el sitio hermano también, terminé en el sitio hermano y mi cuenta se bloqueó, pregunté por qué se bloqueó la cuenta. Recibí la respuesta "porque le pediste a nuestro sitio hermano que te bloqueara de todos nuestros casinos debido a un problema de juego" Dije claramente quién es tu sitio hermano "el servicio al cliente tardó mucho en responder y obtuve la respuesta" no "No tienes sitios hermanos, tu cuenta de juego está abierta". Estaba confundido porque realmente tienen sitios hermanos y cooperan estrechamente y el mensaje de bloqueo les llegó hasta que se dieron cuenta de que podían obtener dinero de mí. Incomprensiblemente.

Lo más triste de esto es que el gurú de los casinos se lo toma muy a la ligera. Cada uno de nosotros sabe que los jugadores nunca nos ponemos en contacto con la autoridad de licencias de curaco y mucho menos con la protección/seguridad del jugador en nuestros problemas. El casino siempre gana.

mencionemos también el hecho de que, en los términos de uso de cada casino de curaco, se menciona que podemos cancelar todos sus depósitos y ganancias "no puede registrarse si es un adicto al juego".

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

También sé por experiencia, después de muchos años de juego, que si hubiera ganado más de lo que ingresé, no habría sacado el dinero. Winwin para el casino. Muy decepcionado con este "caso cerrado", pero cuando algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, lo es.

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

No tengo nada personal en contra del casinoguru, lo único que me gustaría sería la actitud del casinoguru hacia el juego responsable en los casinos de curaco. Cuando se resuelve una queja a favor del jugador, donde el jugador ha solicitado el bloqueo de sitios hermanos, los resultados definitivamente comenzarán a verse en otros grupos de casinos también y comenzarán a implementar las solicitudes de los jugadores.

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses's complaint services are a complete joke. You can forget about them solving anything you can't solve yourself. I have to say that I really liked this site and over time I developed trust in it. This turned out to be completely the opposite. They support the casinos, no doubt about it.

I filed a complaint about Slotmonster Casino.

I initially had an account with Slotmonster, played, and lost a lot. Then I opened an account on Instantcasino, Slotmonster's sister site. I also played there and lost a lot. I wrote an email stating that I was addicted to gambling and explained the negative impact gambling had on my life. I ASKED THE CASINO TO CLOSE MY ACCOUNT PERMANENTLY ON INSTAWIN AND ALL SISTER SITES. I then received an email that the accounts were closed. BUT the next day, I could still open my account on Slotmonster and continue losing money. Those of us who have been playing at casinos for a few years KNOW that when you write to a casino saying you are addicted to gambling and ASK them to CLOSE your account on ALL their sister sites, that should be enough. That should be the end of the story and the accounts should be closed.

Apparently, doesn't think this is enough. Apparently, you have to write to every single casino within their group.

I noticed very early on that I had a case they didn't want to take. I mean, it took 1.5 weeks with a lot of questions that had already been answered.

I just want to say that I'm totally fine with it. The money is lost anyway. But for those of you thinking about filing a complaint through this site, you're just wasting your time. I will never visit this site again. I'll copy how I wrote to the casino and how I should have written according to

Here is how i wrote.

Hello friends!

I would like to ask you to close my account with you and all your sister sites.

I am a gambling addict and have been playing casino games since 2010. Along the way, I have not only lost over 300k euros, but I have also lost friends, family, children, and everything that matters. I gamble not to win money but due to my addiction. Even if I won a million, I would still keep gambling. I lost myself a long time ago.

Could you please close my account? Thank you.

Thank you for reading. Best regards.

jag skulle vilja tacka för min tid här. Jag vill också gärna att ni raderar mitt konto.

hace 2 meses

I would say that Kristina has explained to you what the conditions are and how it works here. So according to your complaint " We determined that the player did not directly inform SlotMonster Casino about his gambling problem before depositing." Also, it is always necessary to self-exclude at every casino unless it is stated in the Terms and Conditions that if you do it at one casino it also applies to sister casinos. 

The second thing that struck me is that you talk about closing the account. That's different than self-exclusion. 

After all, if you close your account, in some casinos it's not hard at all to open a new one just by changing your email. 

So in the future I would definitely recommend to stick to doing it right and always find out how self-exclusion works because it's not the same in every casino. 

Also, I'm sorry that you have this opinion towards us, because we appreciate every single player who is here and tries to communicate with other players about gambling or to help. 

I wish it would have turned out differently. 

hace 2 meses

Este comportamiento de los casinos curaco en el juego responsable es incomprensible, y estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo en que cuando pides bloquear sitios hermanos esto debería ser suficiente. En mi opinión, casinoguru también debería tomar esto más en serio; si el jugador solicita el bloqueo de sitios hermanos, también debe configurarlo.

sin embargo, curaco casinos y casinoguru justifican que curaco casinos y sitios hermanos operan con una licencia separada, esto es una completa mentira. Todos los sitios hermanos tienen la misma licencia, los mismos empleados, la misma administración, el mismo buzón. Acaban de encontrar una escapatoria para quitarles más dinero a los jugadores problemáticos a pesar de que gritan y piden ayuda.

Tengo mi propia experiencia personal con esto, le pedí a curaco casino que bloqueara el sitio hermano también, terminé en el sitio hermano y mi cuenta se bloqueó, pregunté por qué se bloqueó la cuenta. Recibí la respuesta "porque le pediste a nuestro sitio hermano que te bloqueara de todos nuestros casinos debido a un problema de juego" Dije claramente quién es tu sitio hermano "el servicio al cliente tardó mucho en responder y obtuve la respuesta" no "No tienes sitios hermanos, tu cuenta de juego está abierta". Estaba confundido porque realmente tienen sitios hermanos y cooperan estrechamente y el mensaje de bloqueo les llegó hasta que se dieron cuenta de que podían obtener dinero de mí. Incomprensiblemente.

Lo más triste de esto es que el gurú de los casinos se lo toma muy a la ligera. Cada uno de nosotros sabe que los jugadores nunca nos ponemos en contacto con la autoridad de licencias de curaco y mucho menos con la protección/seguridad del jugador en nuestros problemas. El casino siempre gana.

mencionemos también el hecho de que, en los términos de uso de cada casino de curaco, se menciona que podemos cancelar todos sus depósitos y ganancias "no puede registrarse si es un adicto al juego".

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

If the sister casinos ever lure you to them to play even if you are self-excluded, it certainly wouldn't be okay with us. I find your situation you described strange from the point of view that first the casino says you have a self-exclusion block on a sister site and then says it doesn't have any sister sites. That's pretty shady. 

Anyway, you gave a great example that it can work differently in every casino. There are many of them that won't accept self-exclusion unless you do it at that particular one. We don't think it's enough to write an email to one of them to self-exclude you at the other until it's made clear in the Terms and Conditions that it applies to sister sites as well. 

So it is important to also look at it from this point of view. We have experts who deal with cases like this on a daily basis, so it's definitely not something we take lightly, I can assure you. Responsible gambling is an important thing for us, but players also have to abide by some rules and we have procedures that we also follow. 

If you have had experience with casinos with this license and there have been more where there have been problems, then I don't see why you should continue to play there. 

That's probably what I would add.  

hace 2 meses

Gracias Jaro, mi opinión sobre casinoguru es buena. Sólo me gustaría que los casinos de curaco fueran más serios con el juego responsable. Pero por supuesto esta es mi propia opinión. He discutido esta "opinión" con un abogado de Curazao porque puedo contarles brevemente sobre una de mis apelaciones, que gané con la ayuda de un abogado de Curazao.

  1. Envié un correo electrónico al casino que opera en Curazao solicitando la prohibición de los juegos y la prohibición de los casinos hermanos debido a un problema con el juego.
  2. el casino me bloqueó solo desde la página donde solicité que me bloquearan, no bloqueó los sitios hermanos a pesar de mi solicitud.
  3. El casino ha afirmado durante mucho tiempo que opera bajo su propia licencia y que no tiene sitios hermanos. (Como siempre dicen) lo cual es una completa mentira, todos deberían conocer y familiarizarse más con los casinos de curaco, su empresa y sus sitios hermanos. Una empresa gestiona varios sitios, con el mismo número de licencia, la misma empresa, la misma gestión. Este es un sitio hermano. Esto se demostró fácilmente.
  4. Después de esto, el casino empezó a inventar cosas nuevas, no compartimos la misma base de datos. Aunque los casinos de curaco tienen sus propias condiciones, su licencia requiere comunicación con sitios hermanos y protección del jugador.
  5. Entonces, si solicita que se bloqueen los sitios hermanos, también deben seguir los términos de la licencia de Curaco y cumplir con la solicitud del jugador. La licencia curaco se diferencia de la licencia mga en que la licencia mga requiere automáticamente que un casino sea bloqueado debido a la adicción a los juegos de todos los casinos del operador, curaco no lo hace, pero si usted solicita específicamente a curaco casino que lo bloquee también en sitios hermanos. , cómo interpretar las reglas donde dice que los casinos de curaco deben cooperar con sitios hermanos y minimizar la adicción al juego.
  6. Gané el caso, por supuesto, gracias al abogado, y recibí un comentario directo de él: "ésta es su laguna jurídica que están tratando de aprovechar".

Ahora me gustaría darle un poco de peso a la política del casinoguru, donde tienes que solicitar cada casino por separado, esto es teóricamente imposible porque un jugador que es un jugador problemático tendría que sentarse en Internet las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana porque una nueva hermana se abre el sitio, si el jugador es lo suficientemente fuerte como para enviar una solicitud de bloqueo o si prefiere comenzar a jugar. Puedo decir que la última opción es la más común y la más real.

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Let's say you go to Betsson, Unibet, Bet365 and say, "I am addicted to gambling, I have lost everything meaningful in life."

Do you think these casinos would see it as "just a closure" on one occasion, or would they really take it seriously and understand what it's about? Do you think I would be able to reactivate my account there again?

You also seem to have a very simplistic personal opinion about my use of the word "close" instead of "exclude." If this is indeed a personal opinion, I find it quite lacking in empathy. Personally, I would have been affected by such a message and understood that this person wants to and should stop gambling. I would have simply understood that he means he wants to close the account permanently.

On the other hand, if I were completely without empathy, I would have rubbed my hands together and said, "Yes, I found a little reason to take advantage of this guy even more and take some more money from him because he only said 'close.'"

hace 2 meses

sin cambios de correo electrónico u otra información. Esto no es relevante en mi caso.🙂

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Jag kan knappt förstår att av allt detta

Hello friends!

I would like to ask you to close my account with you and all your sister sites.

I am a gambling addict and have been playing casino games since 2010. Along the way, I have not only lost over 300k euros, but I have also lost friends, family, children, and everything that matters. I gamble not to win money but due to my addiction. Even if I won a million, I would still keep gambling. I lost myself a long time ago.

Could you please close my account? Thank you.

Thank you for reading. Best regards.

så var det 1 ord du reagerade på🤣 du förbisåg alla negativa sakerna. Jag kan helt ärligt inte förstå det..

hace 2 meses

Gracias Jaro, mi opinión sobre casinoguru es buena. Sólo me gustaría que los casinos de curaco fueran más serios con el juego responsable. Pero por supuesto esta es mi propia opinión. He discutido esta "opinión" con un abogado de Curazao porque puedo contarles brevemente sobre una de mis apelaciones, que gané con la ayuda de un abogado de Curazao.

  1. Envié un correo electrónico al casino que opera en Curazao solicitando la prohibición de los juegos y la prohibición de los casinos hermanos debido a un problema con el juego.
  2. el casino me bloqueó solo desde la página donde solicité que me bloquearan, no bloqueó los sitios hermanos a pesar de mi solicitud.
  3. El casino ha afirmado durante mucho tiempo que opera bajo su propia licencia y que no tiene sitios hermanos. (Como siempre dicen) lo cual es una completa mentira, todos deberían conocer y familiarizarse más con los casinos de curaco, su empresa y sus sitios hermanos. Una empresa gestiona varios sitios, con el mismo número de licencia, la misma empresa, la misma gestión. Este es un sitio hermano. Esto se demostró fácilmente.
  4. Después de esto, el casino empezó a inventar cosas nuevas, no compartimos la misma base de datos. Aunque los casinos de curaco tienen sus propias condiciones, su licencia requiere comunicación con sitios hermanos y protección del jugador.
  5. Entonces, si solicita que se bloqueen los sitios hermanos, también deben seguir los términos de la licencia de Curaco y cumplir con la solicitud del jugador. La licencia curaco se diferencia de la licencia mga en que la licencia mga requiere automáticamente que un casino sea bloqueado debido a la adicción a los juegos de todos los casinos del operador, curaco no lo hace, pero si usted solicita específicamente a curaco casino que lo bloquee también en sitios hermanos. , cómo interpretar las reglas donde dice que los casinos de curaco deben cooperar con sitios hermanos y minimizar la adicción al juego.
  6. Gané el caso, por supuesto, gracias al abogado, y recibí un comentario directo de él: "ésta es su laguna jurídica que están tratando de aprovechar".

Ahora me gustaría darle un poco de peso a la política del casinoguru, donde tienes que solicitar cada casino por separado, esto es teóricamente imposible porque un jugador que es un jugador problemático tendría que sentarse en Internet las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana porque una nueva hermana se abre el sitio, si el jugador es lo suficientemente fuerte como para enviar una solicitud de bloqueo o si prefiere comenzar a jugar. Puedo decir que la última opción es la más común y la más real.

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Yes I understand what you are saying and in some cases it would probably not be the easiest. 

However, so many casinos in the same group don't come up every day. If one appears and you have the option to self-exclude from the whole group then it is easier, because this act should also apply to new casinos as well. 

But if this is not the case then unfortunately the player has to practice this process one by one. We can't control who has what Terms and how they handle these things and how seriously they take them. 

However, I know one thing for sure, if I had such an issue with the Curacao casinos I would never go to them to play, and I would only play in the ones that are reliable.

Your case you described is different from the last one in that you were basically tricked by the casino into believing that they didn't have sister sites, and that's a big difference. That's why I'd say you managed to win with the help of a lawyer, which I'm sure glad you did. 

Nevertheless, every case can be different, and sometimes even a small discrepancy can make a big difference, especially when it comes to responsible gambling. 

hace 2 meses

Let's say you go to Betsson, Unibet, Bet365 and say, "I am addicted to gambling, I have lost everything meaningful in life."

Do you think these casinos would see it as "just a closure" on one occasion, or would they really take it seriously and understand what it's about? Do you think I would be able to reactivate my account there again?

You also seem to have a very simplistic personal opinion about my use of the word "close" instead of "exclude." If this is indeed a personal opinion, I find it quite lacking in empathy. Personally, I would have been affected by such a message and understood that this person wants to and should stop gambling. I would have simply understood that he means he wants to close the account permanently.

On the other hand, if I were completely without empathy, I would have rubbed my hands together and said, "Yes, I found a little reason to take advantage of this guy even more and take some more money from him because he only said 'close.'"

hace 2 meses

Dear player,

I have to say I dissagree with you on a few occassions. It's fair to say that the whole matter of the current state of the Self-Exclusion through out the industry is not convenient. There are huge differences between national laws and regulations making it pretty chalenging to exclude from various casinos.

Becuse of this, responsible player should never rely on his opinion or feelings insted, should accept how things actually works. Jaro alredy explained that, and I see no issue with his sesponses to you.

The sooner you understand how you need to behave when self excluding from casino, the sooner you will be succesfull in doing so. From our perspective, it would be highly irresponsible not to inform you about things you have not done correctly.

We are not here to blindly agree, we're here to explain things. The rest is up to you.

So no, in some casinos it's not enoughto say "I would like to ask you to close my account with you and all your sister sites." It's not that simple, in most cases you have inform each casino separately - depends on their rules and license, among other things.

I wish you no further harm, just try to learn from this situation, please.

Editado por el autor hace 2 meses
hace 2 meses

Let's say you go to Betsson, Unibet, Bet365 and say, "I am addicted to gambling, I have lost everything meaningful in life."

Do you think these casinos would see it as "just a closure" on one occasion, or would they really take it seriously and understand what it's about? Do you think I would be able to reactivate my account there again?

You also seem to have a very simplistic personal opinion about my use of the word "close" instead of "exclude." If this is indeed a personal opinion, I find it quite lacking in empathy. Personally, I would have been affected by such a message and understood that this person wants to and should stop gambling. I would have simply understood that he means he wants to close the account permanently.

On the other hand, if I were completely without empathy, I would have rubbed my hands together and said, "Yes, I found a little reason to take advantage of this guy even more and take some more money from him because he only said 'close.'"

hace 2 meses

I sympathize with you and I certainly didn't mean to take you at your word. In this case, however, there is a difference between closing an account and self-exclude. 

I would say that in honest casinos you shouldn't have a problem with that. If you want to be excluded you should do so and they should take it with the utmost seriousness. Don't ask why you want to do it and if your opinion will change for example with bonus and so on. There is a very fine line if a player is addicted and no casino should profit from it. Just like reopening an account. 

Although, having been in this business for a while, I can see that not every casino you would encounter the same solution. This will never be an excuse that if a casino doesn't take it seriously, that it's okay for us because it's not. 

But it's important to realize that not every casino is the same, and not every casino treats responsible gambling equally. That's why I was talking about the fact that unfortunately sometimes you have to self-exclude yourself from each casino individually even though you write to do it for the whole group. Of course, if it's not possible to do it for the whole group, then the casino could also tell you that it's not allowed and that you have to do it manually everywhere. 

I don't want you to take this as an attack against you, I'm just trying to explain what cases I've encountered and what is standard in most of casinos.

hace 2 meses

Dear player,

I have to say I dissagree with you on a few occassions. It's fair to say that the whole matter of the current state of the Self-Exclusion through out the industry is not convenient. There are huge differences between national laws and regulations making it pretty chalenging to exclude from various casinos.

Becuse of this, responsible player should never rely on his opinion or feelings insted, should accept how things actually works. Jaro alredy explained that, and I see no issue with his sesponses to you.

The sooner you understand how you need to behave when self excluding from casino, the sooner you will be succesfull in doing so. From our perspective, it would be highly irresponsible not to inform you about things you have not done correctly.

We are not here to blindly agree, we're here to explain things. The rest is up to you.

So no, in some casinos it's not enoughto say "I would like to ask you to close my account with you and all your sister sites." It's not that simple, in most cases you have inform each casino separately - depends on their rules and license, among other things.

I wish you no further harm, just try to learn from this situation, please.

hace 2 meses


hace 2 meses

Entonces no, en algunos casinos no es suficiente decir "Me gustaría pedirle que cierre mi cuenta con usted y todos sus sitios hermanos". No es tan sencillo, en la mayoría de los casos hay que informar a cada casino por separado; depende de sus reglas y licencia, entre otras cosas.

Me gustaría pedirle que cierre mi cuenta con usted y todos sus sitios hermanos.

Soy un adicto al juego y juego en juegos de casino desde 2010. En el camino, no solo he perdido más de 300.000 euros, sino que también he perdido amigos, familiares, hijos y todo lo que importa. Juego no para ganar dinero sino por mi adicción. Incluso si ganara un millón, seguiría apostando. Me perdí hace mucho tiempo.

¿Podrías cerrar mi cuenta? Gracias.

Gracias por leer. Atentamente.

¿Crees que esto no es suficiente? Vale, lo entiendo, respeto tu opinión. Simplemente entiendo mejor tu posición. Es muy posible que seas uno de esos casinos inexpertos y con la conciencia tranquila. Ya no me importa esta queja. Simplemente me entristece ver que eres exactamente igual a esta gente en costa rica.. ya no me ves aquí. Gracias y que tengas un buen verano.

Editado por el autor hace 2 meses
Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

I would say that would be enough for me personally. But for casinos, apparently not, and some standard and procedures and under what conditions they must have in context of self-exclusion. That's why I wrote what I wrote, because that's the experience of most players. 

For me it would be clear but I don't work in a casino and if I did and they told me that this was too weak for a slef-exclusion, I would probably have to listen. It's always best to look for information on this in the casino and how to self-exclude and you'll see that not every casino has the same policy. 

Of course, the best thing would be to be able to put it under the control and not play any more. 

You always have to learn from such a sad situation, and now you will know that not always what we think is clear is really so clear for everybody. 🙁

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