Me registré aquí, jugué un poco y me preocupaba que todo fuera ilegal y que las posibilidades de ganar fueran mínimas, ¡pero no!
Es fácil de navegar, hay muchos recursos, incluido un equipo de soporte rápido, recibí bonificaciones y pude usarlas inmediatamente en el juego, encontré muchas tragamonedas interesantes para mí, en general, ¡estoy encantado! En resumen: me gustó este casino, ¡Slotmines es genial!
I registered here, played around a bit and was worried that it was all illegal and that the chances of winning were only minimal, but no!!!!
It is easy to navigate, there are a lot of resources, including a fast support team, I received bonuses and could immediately use them in the game, I found many interesting slots for me, in general, I am delighted!!!! To summarize: I liked this casino, Slotmines is great!
Jeg registrerte meg her, spilte litt rundt og var bekymret for at det hele var ulovlig og at sjansene for å vinne bare var minimale, men nei!!!!
Det er enkelt å navigere, det er mange ressurser, inkludert et raskt supportteam, Jeg mottok bonuser og kunne umiddelbart bruke dem i spillet, Jeg fant mange interessante spilleautomater for meg, generelt er jeg strålende fornøyd!!!! For å oppsummere: Jeg likte dette kasinoet, Slotmines er super!