PrincipalForoCasinosTema general sobre Tusk Casino

Tema general sobre Tusk Casino (página 2)

 de Nemokid
13.330 visualizaciones 65 respuestas |
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again: please use the "reply" button, otherwise, the person you wrote to will not be notified.

Then provide this to Nikolas, not to me, please. As I already mention I'm not the proper person. The complaint team will decide whether this is the missing piece, I'm not solving complaints, so I can't make this decision.

This is the forum, not a resolution center, after all.

I hope you understand what I mean.

¿Puede alguien aquí hablarme de TUSK CASINO?

Veo buenas críticas y luego malas críticas.

CasinoGuru... por favor ayuda... si las ganancias no se pagan aquí como en otros casinos donde hubiera ganado...

Traducción automática:

Hello, I moved your post here so you can browse the general discussion. If you check the casino's main review, you'll see that the reputation is very good and the terms fair.

You should be safe there. Just keep in mind that This casino is not licensed in Austria, so you should not play there:


I'm far from understanding whether your question is just a precaution or whether you have an issue with withdrawal, however.

Let me know, please.


Genial... ¿entonces permiten que los jugadores de Austria depositen... y jueguen... pero no retiren dinero? entiendo bien?? Eso no está bien, ¿verdad? Entonces no deberías poder jugar... ni depositar... lo que hice... y gané algo...(((

Traducción automática:

¿Por qué vamos a jugar y depositar desde Austria?

Traducción automática:

I'm saying that according to our latest information the casino does not allow players from your country to play there.

But if you are able to register by using Austria as a country of residence, in case you win and meet all rules and terms, you should get the winnings.

So, what is the situation, has any problem occurred with withdrawal, please?


Just note that this casino is not licensed in Austria, so you should stick with the ones that are licensed in your country.

I have no idea how exactly Tusk casino enforces restricted countries, though.

As long as there is no problem with withdrawal, I guess you should be fine.

filefilefilefilemisteriosanente desaparecieron mis ganancias

Editado por el autor

Hmm, that doesn't sound right to me. Did you ask the casino what the problem was when your entire balance disappeared? Did you play with bonus or real money ?

Anyway, I noticed that you managed to file a complaint. Did you also read the Terms and Conditions related to the bonus? I ask because it is possible that the bonus had a win limit, but since they took all your winnings it is a bit of a strange situation. 

Can you tell us a bit more so we have a better overview ? 

Hmm, that doesn't sound right to me. Did you ask the casino what the problem was when your entire balance disappeared? Did you play with bonus or real money ?

Anyway, I noticed that you managed to file a complaint. Did you also read the Terms and Conditions related to the bonus? I ask because it is possible that the bonus had a win limit, but since they took all your winnings it is a bit of a strange situation. 

Can you tell us a bit more so we have a better overview ? 

Pues todo comenzó asise supone que al registrarte el casino tiene una ruleta en la cual puedes ganar cierta cantidad de giros gratis yo gané 10 giros con los cuales gane 64 pesos para convertirlo en dinero real el requisito de apuestas era de 3400 lo cumpli y al completarlo ya tenía alrededor de 700 cuando lo cumpl me dejaron solo 350 que se supone que ya era dinero real con esos 350 segui jugando en distintos juegos y como les comentó pues gane 193660 no sólo en un juego sino en varios y al siguiente día quise seguir jugando y me encuentro con que mi cuenta está en 0 y me contactó con servicio cliente y pues ya ven lo que me contestaron



I failed to find what the casino actually told you. I would guess it was because you should have immediately submitted a withdrawal request to end the bonus and all associated terms to avoid any limitations keep affecting your balance. Am I correct?

Well, it's good you submitted the complaint! I spotted a win limit, this is a very disputed topic!


Hola sí de hecho hice la solicitud de retiro no justo después de completar el bono sino que como unos $1000 gastados después pero no me dejó porque me pedía verificar la cuenta al siguiente día o segundo creo volví a abrir la cuenta para verificarla y me encuentro con cero pesos


Never play in this casion, I won 8k $ Never saw tho money. The didn't allow me to withdraw the money the simply said that there is a waiting time after which they say be patient after that support told me that is weekend. Finally they stop responding. I lost it all becouse I knew I will never be able to withdraw the money. Secon suppor is horrible, do not even send an email they never respond. Few monthes ago I won 12k but before I requested bonus and I wager prior to my winnings and after I won the reduced my winning to 1k which I wasn't able to withdraw as the give me 1000 different reasons. You will never get your money If you win. Currently I am having conversation with Curaçao gambling authorities. Will keep you posted how the case will end. If you want to play jus without being worried about what if I win would I be able to withdraw money? Then do not pley there. Also, there are limits even if you win without bonus. When you win 2k you will be ablke to withdarw 1k only and also you will not see it. When you deposit you can only withdraw your deposit x200 this is maximum and if you winn above those money are canceled. Never play in this scam. Nevertheless decision is up to you. Just huge worning from my side.


Very sorry for your predicament. Hope the authorities catch up with these frauds!


Never play in this casion, I won 8k $ Never saw tho money. The didn't allow me to withdraw the money the simply said that there is a waiting time after which they say be patient after that support told me that is weekend. Finally they stop responding. I lost it all becouse I knew I will never be able to withdraw the money. Secon suppor is horrible, do not even send an email they never respond. Few monthes ago I won 12k but before I requested bonus and I wager prior to my winnings and after I won the reduced my winning to 1k which I wasn't able to withdraw as the give me 1000 different reasons. You will never get your money If you win. Currently I am having conversation with Curaçao gambling authorities. Will keep you posted how the case will end. If you want to play jus without being worried about what if I win would I be able to withdraw money? Then do not pley there. Also, there are limits even if you win without bonus. When you win 2k you will be ablke to withdarw 1k only and also you will not see it. When you deposit you can only withdraw your deposit x200 this is maximum and if you winn above those money are canceled. Never play in this scam. Nevertheless decision is up to you. Just huge worning from my side.

I'm really sorry that you were not able to withdraw your money and lost it all at the end.

May I ask how long you waited, though?🤔

I believe that it needs some patience, especially if the casino needs to verify you before sending the money.

Also, when it comes to bonuses, it is very important to read their terms beforehand so any issue or misunderstanding can be avoided. If you don't like their terms, you simply don't play. Right?🙂

I hope everyone will also read our review about this casino; the safety index doesn't look any good.🤷‍♀️


Just wanted to let you know that I have registered in this casino a few years ago. Never managed to withdraw what I wanted. They verified my looong time ago and even assigned the personal manager …. They are manipulators and scammers. I didn’t knew about safety index till now so…Just wanted to give you an update


So were there some issues when withdrawing, or you just didn't get the chance to ever withdraw?🤔

Now that you know about our reviews and you are familiar with the safety index, would you say it will help you to choose a casino to play at?

Hay opiniones muy encontradas sobre este casino. Me interesa mucho saber por qué hay tantas quejas de los jugadores. Y, sin embargo, algunos se muestran un poco entusiastas con respecto a este casino. Y solo quiero agregar que el casino acepta jugadores de Serbia. Tengo una cuenta registrada desde hace más de un año.

Traducción automática:

Hello, I saw that there are not so many complaints here, but most of them were about withdrawals and KYC, which the casino didn't even address. Since you have had your account for a year, you haven't had any issues here? Everyone may have a different experience, but the casino's safety index would rather discourage me from playing here. Have you tried it yet?


Algo está pasando con el casino, definitivamente. Primero, es como si hubieran perdido los datos del año pasado, porque hace diez días me otorgaron un bono sin depósito 🤔😉 así como algunos giros gratis. Le pregunté al servicio de atención al cliente cómo es posible esto, cuando recibí lo mismo el año pasado. Me dicen que no tienen registro de que haya pagado un depósito. En segundo lugar, veo que algunos jugadores tienen problemas con los pagos, eso no sucedió antes. Lamentablemente, no llegué al pago. Sus bonos y giros gratis tienen una rotación condicional de 60x, es simplemente imposible jugar.

Traducción automática:
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