El jugador lucha por verificar ya que el casino solicita documentos adicionales. La denuncia fue rechazada a petición del jugador.
Hola, la primera vez que intenté retirarme de palmsbet me pidieron documentos adicionales, aunque mi cuenta estaba verificada. Después de un reclamo por una factura de servicios públicos, les expliqué que no tenía una a mi nombre, por lo que proporcioné los siguientes materiales solicitados por ellos:
1. Foto de la tarjeta de identificación al lado de mi cara
2.Foto en una hoja de papel con la fecha de hoy al lado de mi cara
3. seguro de anterior. medios con fecha y dirección claramente visibles
4. foto de la tarjeta de débito en ambos lados
Ahora quieren una copia actualizada de un certificado de domicilio actual, lo que para mí es una burla, tiene que ver con una visita a otra institución y tiempo que no tengo. Registrarse en un sitio así es una especie de entretenimiento, pero el único entretenimiento es mi espalda en este momento.
Hello, the first time I tried to withdraw from palmsbet, I was asked for additional documents, although my account was verified. After a claim for a utility bill, I explained to them that I did not have one in my name, so I provided the following materials requested by them:
1. ID card photo next to my face
2.Photo on a sheet of paper with today's date next to my face
3. insurance of prev. means with clearly visible date and address
4. photo of debit card on both sides
Now they want an up-to-date copy of a certificate of current address, which for me is a mockery, it is related to a visit to another institution and time that I do not have. Registering on such a site is a kind of entertainment, but the only entertainment is my back at the moment.
Здравейте, при първи опит за теглене от palmsbet, бях помолен за допълнителни документи, въпреки че акаунта ми беше верифициран. След иск за комунална сметка, им ибясних че аз нямам такава на мое име, следователно има предоставих следните материали искани от тях:
1.снимка на лична карта до моето лице
2.снимка на лист хартия с днешна дата до моето лице
3.застроховка на прев. средтсво с ясно виждащи се дата и адрес
4.снимка на дебитна карта от двете страни
Сега искат актуално копие от удостоверение за настоящ адрес, което за мен е подигравка, това е свързано с посещение в друга институция и време с което не разполагам. Регистрирайки се в подобен сайт оаквах вид забавление, но единственото забавление е най мой гръб в момента.
Hola Georgi,
Muchas gracias por enviar su queja y lamento mucho escuchar acerca de su problema con Palms Bet Casino. Permítame hacerle algunas preguntas más antes de seguir adelante.
¿Cuándo exactamente verificó su cuenta en el pasado? ¿Alguna vez procesó un retiro de este casino antes? ¿Utilizó algún bono para acumular sus ganancias actuales?
Tenga en cuenta que no podrá retirar dinero a menos que proporcione los documentos solicitados por el casino. Si lo pidieron, deben tener una razón y, lamentablemente, no puede saltárselo si quiere sus ganancias. Solo puedo recomendar seguir todas sus instrucciones.
Esperando tu respuesta.
Hello Георги,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Palms Bet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
When exactly did you verify your account in the past? Did you ever process a withdrawal from this casino before? Did you use any bonus to accumulate your current winnings?
Please note that you won't be able to withdraw unless you provide the documents requested by the casino. If they asked for it they must have a reason and unfortunately you can't skip it if you want your winnings. I can only recommend to follow all of their instructions.
Looking forward to your answer.
Hola, tengo una ganancia que quiero retirar y no la gané a través de fondos de bonificación. Acepto que tengo que seguir todas sus instrucciones, pero tengo cuentas en otros casinos y me han verificado sin estos documentos y juegos adicionales que quieren de Palmshit. Actualmente, el siguiente documento es un certificado de domicilio actual, este está relacionado con el tiempo y los honorarios, que de ninguna manera prueban el origen de los fondos, les proporciona un estado de cuenta bancario + responsabilidad civil, que fueron exagerados. No puedo entender por qué no querían tales documentos cuando hice el depósito, aún así hice 3 depósitos con un valor total de BGN 700, si los quisieran, inmediatamente me negaría a usar su divertido sitio.
Hello, I have a profit that I want to withdraw and it was not won through bonus funds. I agree that I have to follow all their instructions, but I have accounts in other casinos and I have been verified without these additional documents and games that they want from Palmshit. Currently, the next document is a certificate of current address, this is related to time and fees, which in no way prove the origin of the funds, provide them with a bank statement + civil liability, which were overstated. I can't understand why they didn't want such documents when I deposited, I still made 3 deposits with a total value of BGN 700, if they wanted them I would immediately refuse to use their funny site.
Здравейте, имам печалба която искам да изтегля и не е спечелена посредством бонус средства. Съгласен съм че трябва да следвам всичките им указания, но имам акаунти и в други казина и съм верифициран без тези допълнителни документи и разигравания, които искат от палмсшит. В момента поредния документ е удостоверение за настоящ адрес, това е свързано с време и такси, които по никакъв начин не доказват произхода на средствата, предоставих им банково извлечение + гражданска отговорност, които бяха пренабрегнати. Не мога да разбера защо не ми искаха подобни документи когато депозирах, все пак съм направил 3 депозита на обша стойност 700лв, ако ги искаха веднага щях да откажа да използвам смешния им сайт.
Hola Georgi,
La verificación generalmente toma tiempo en el momento del retiro, no en el momento del depósito. Sin embargo, siempre recomendamos verificar su cuenta incluso antes de depositar en cualquier casino en línea, ya que hace que el retiro sea mucho más fácil. En su caso, lamentablemente, no hay otra manera que simplemente proporcionarles todos los documentos que solicitaron. El KYC es diferente en casi todos los casinos y cree que hay algunas solicitudes de verificación mucho más estrictas y extrañas en algunos casinos.
Hello Георги,
The verification usually takes time at the time of the withdrawal not when depositing. We however always recommend to verify your account before even depositing in any online casino as it makes the withdrawal much easier better. In your case unfortunately there is no other way than just provide them all the documents they requested. The KYC is different in almost every single casino and believe it that there are some much more strict and weird requests for verification in some casinos.
a ver no hay problema, les proporcionare los documentos necesarios, todavia tienen mas derechos que los usuarios en este gracioso pais. El problema es que siempre verifico una cuenta antes de un depósito, y fui verificado, pero en el primer intento de retiro, la cuenta NO se verificó. Proporcioné un extracto bancario, que muestra claramente la dirección y el origen de los fondos, pero lo pasaron por alto y luego les proporcionaron un ciudadano. responsabilidad por el vehiculo de mi propiedad, nuevo direccion claramente visible. Pero pidieron un certificado de la dirección actual, esto en sí es una burla, a través de ella detendrían el origen de los fondos y estas son sus palabras ... tonterías completas, pero entiendo, como dije, ellos tenemos más derechos que nosotros los consumidores. Sin embargo, gracias por la ayuda, quería llegar a más personas y verificar completo antes de usar cualquier sitio de apuestas. Presenté por separado una queja ante la Agencia Nacional de Ingresos para ver qué harán.
see there is no problem, I will provide them with the necessary documents, still have more rights than users in this funny country. The problem is that I always verify an account before a deposit, and I was verified, but on the first attempt to withdraw, the account became NOT verified. I provided a bank statement, which clearly shows the address and origin of the funds, but they overlooked it, then provided them with a citizen. responsibility for the vehicle my property, again clearly visible address. But they asked for a certificate for the current address, this in itself is a mockery, through it they would stop the origin of the funds and these are their words ..... complete nonsense, but I understand, as I said, they have more rights than us consumers. Thank you though for the help, I wanted to reach more people and verify complete before using any betting site. I separately filed a complaint with the National Revenue Agency to see what they will do.
вижте не е там проблема, аз ще им предоставя необходимите документи, все пак имат повече права от потребителите в тази смешна страна. Проблема е че аз винаги верифицирам акаунт преди депозит, и бях верифициран, но при първия опит за теглене, акаунта се превърна в НЕ верифициран. Предоставих банково извлечение, от което ясно се вижда адреса и произхода на средствата, но те го пренабрегнаха, после им предоставих гражд. отговорност за МПС моя собственост, пак се вижда ясно адреса. Но те поискаха удостоверение за настоящ адрес, това само по себе си е подигравка, чрез него щяли да остановят произхода на средствата и това са техни думи..... пълни глупости, но разбирам, както казах те имат повече права от нас потребителите. Благодаря ви все пак за помоща, исках да стигне до повече хора и да се верифицират напълни преди използването на който и да е сайт за залагания. Аз отделно си пуснах жалба в НАП да видим те какво ше направят.
Hola Georgi,
¿Podría reenviar su comunicación con el casino a nikolas.b@casino.guru? ¿Cuál fue exactamente el problema del casino con los documentos? ¿Señalaron algo específicamente?
Hello Георги,
Could you please forward your communication with the casino to nikolas.b@casino.guru? What was exactly the casino's problem with the documents, did they specifically point out anything?
Hola Georgi,
Hace tiempo que no sabemos nada de ti. Tenga en cuenta que la queja será rechazada si no recibimos ninguna respuesta dentro de los próximos 7 días.
Hello Георги,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
Querida Georgina,
Estamos extendiendo el temporizador por 7 días. Tenga en cuenta que, en caso de que no proporcione la información requerida en el plazo establecido, rechazaremos su queja.
Dear Георги,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Cursos educativos, profesionales y gratuitos para empleados de casinos online que tienen el objetivo de hacer un repaso de las buenas prácticas de la industria para mejorar la experiencia del jugador y ofrecer un enfoque justo de los juegos de azar.
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