Después de usar el casino durante 3 meses, decidí retirar parte de mi saldo.
Intenté retirar varias veces y el retiro fue cancelado sin motivo aparente.
Después de contactar al soporte, solicitaron validación de identidad, selfie y verificación de cuenta de depósito y retiro.
Se les proporciona toda la documentación y ellos la validan correctamente.
Se negaron injustificadamente y en reiteradas ocasiones a retirar mi saldo, finalmente les dije que haría público el caso y sólo entonces aceptaron retirar mi saldo.
Debido a limitaciones impuestas por el casino, no permiten retiros de más de 500€ y como mi saldo en ese momento era de 642€, me piden que haga dos solicitudes de retiro, una de 500€ y otra de 142€.
Finalmente recibo una única transferencia de 601€
Les informo del problema y les pregunto si aplican alguna retención o comisión y su respuesta es no, que transfirieron el monto correcto, aportando capturas de pantalla de dos supuestas transferencias.
Es imposible que realicen dos transferencias y que solo llegue una con un monto similar a la suma.
Les ha resultado imposible reconocer el error y continúan enviando pruebas manipuladas.
Sé que es poco dinero, pero no me parece justo que roben a la gente así.
After using the casino for 3 months I decided to withdraw part of my balance.
I tried to withdraw several times and the withdrawal was canceled for no apparent reason.
After contacting support, they requested identity validation, selfie, and deposit and withdrawal account verification.
All documentation is provided to them and they validate it correctly.
They unjustifiably and repeatedly refused to withdraw my balance, finally I told them that I would make the case public, and only then did they agree to withdraw my balance.
Due to limitations imposed by the casino, they do not allow withdrawals of more than €500 and since my balance at that time was €642, they ask me to make two withdrawal requests, one for €500 and another for €142.
Finally I receive a single transfer of €601
I inform them of the problem and ask them if they apply any withholding or commission and their answer is no, that they transferred the correct amount, providing screenshots of two alleged transfers.
It is impossible for them to make two transfers and only one arrive with an amount similar to the sum.
It has proven impossible for them to acknowledge the error and they continue to send manipulated evidence.
I know it's little money, but I don't think it's right that they rob people like this.
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