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Tema general sobre 888 Casino

 de Mutairi33
9.501 visualizaciones 33 respuestas |
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Si quieres hablar de cualquier tema relacionado con 888 Casino, como sus juegos, bonos, métodos de pago, problemas con tu cuenta, funciones de juego responsable o cualquier otro asunto, este es el lugar.


I have already come across this kind of VIP level before. The idea is that f you are lucky enough you do not need to get boosted by bonuses so those bonuses will be offered to players not so fortunate.

Does it mean that you gain nothing from being promoted? Some better cashback or kind of a "treasure chest"?

This sounds strange to me.

have they told/sent you any explanation, please?

I can understand that you feel deprived.

But considering the explanation, I can understand the message. You simply may became a certain kind of player they don't want to "sponsor" anymore because you mainly took advantage of a variety of bonuses. Maybe if you play only with your money for some time you'll get awarded again.

If they close your account for some verification purpose it's quite normal, but should be notified, that's for sure.

El día 19 de diciembre se realizo La transferencia bancaria de mi retiro por $650 pero a la fecha no llegado dicha transferencia a mi cuenta bancaria, el sitio dice que son 7 días de plazo para que llegue pero ya pasó más tiempo, es normal eso?


Hi, I'd stay patient a little longer. As you know Christmas and New year holidays can be cause of this delay in these days. There might be some delay on payment provider side. In case nothing arrive to your account within 14 days since you asked for the withdrawal, please contact us again.


Would be useful to know how long you have been waiting, plus we always like to hear good news, so let us know as soon as you get the winnings. 🤞

International banking transfers can take up to a few days, so I would assume that Magda is correct about the probability of delay though. 🤔


Ya es 4 de enero y aún la transferencia no llega a mi cuenta, que procede aquí?


Aaah, so no money has arrived? Well, the easiest explanation is that the transaction has not been proceeded with yet. Sorry to say that, but only the casino can explain further.

Sadly, I'm beginning to think that the complaint is now at hand.

If you feel the same, submit the complaint right here.

Sigue sin llegar aún y el servicio en vivo de 888casino deja mucho que desear, levantaré la queja.


No need to hesitate further, now give the complaint team some time to review the complaint, and you'll be contacted soon.

Let's stay positive 🤞👍

How can i access 888 casino and be able to withdrawal my money if i live in Oklahoma, Ok. in the United States.


Hi, I have moved your post under the casino you are writing about. 

Anyway, what's your problem if you can't log in to the casino ? I noticed that according to our website the casino does not accept players from the US. So how did you sign up ? 

No pagan, llevo más de 30 días intentando retirar mi dinero y nada, incluso me borraron la cuenta y ahora solo tengo acceso vía correo electrónico y nada.

Traducción automática:

Hi, I've moved your post under the casino in question. I'm sorry you've been waiting so long for your withdrawal and from what I've seen, we have a warning on our site that the withdrawal process sometimes takes an unreasonably long time. Did you see that ? 


As far as your account being deleted, did the casino give any reason why they did that ? 

However, I saw that you have already filed a complaint, which is a good step from my point of view. Let's see where the team gets us. Would it be possible to answer Kristine's questions so she can move on ? 

I hope the situation can be resolved without any problems. 

Incluso me borraron la cuenta, y ahora solo recibo correos automáticos, es muy difícil que ganes algo y no puedas retirarlo.

Traducción automática:

Aquí en Brasil el casino tiene varios informes como el mío, su asistencia es 0

Traducción automática:

Respondí todas las preguntas y una vez más envié los datos porque decían que había un error, pregunté cuál era el error y no me dijeron, volví a enviar los datos como me solicitaron y ahora espero que otros 30 días ganen. No pasar por la misma historia de error. en los datos.

Como dices que el proceso de retiro es largo, vale, ya es algo largo, casi 60 días para poder reclamar un premio, ¿no te parece demasiado? A la hora de recibir nuestro depósito, no existe tal burocracia.

Traducción automática:

I clearly understand and I am certainly of the opinion that it is taking too long. 

However, as for the casino blocking your account, did they say why?

I'm also quite worried when the casino told you that they had a error, but they don't tell you anything more about it and you don't know how long it will take. I hope it won't be another month. 

Would it be possible to update us if you hear something new please ? 


Hola, recibí un correo electrónico diciendo que mis datos eran incorrectos, envié mis datos nuevamente y pregunté ¿qué era incorrecto? No recibí respuesta sobre el error, solo un correo como el anterior diciendo que recibiría mi depósito en 2 a 7 días hábiles como antes, espero que esta vez sea seguro bloquear la cuenta, no lo hice. recibir alguna explicación considerando que ya no tengo ninguna. como comunicarme por chat online solo por correo electrónico las veces que intenté averiguar el motivo del bloqueo solo recibí correos automáticos y nada más.

Estoy esperando recibir al menos lo que es mío por derecho desde que gané en el Casino.

Traducción automática:
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