PrincipalForoCasinosTema general sobre Casino Orca

Tema general sobre Casino Orca (página 2)

 de Anonymized709
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Lo entiendo y no te culpo. Lo que tienes que hacer es dejar de proteger a estos casinos eliminando las reseñas honestas de los usuarios.

Con el debido respeto, la mayoría de nosotros aquí probablemente jugamos mucho mejor que ustedes que trabajan aquí, señalamos señales claras de actividad fraudulenta pero estas no deben llegar al público a través de nuestras reseñas. No importa cuán "seguro" sea un casino si engaña al jugador con estas cosas.

Traducción automática:

"It is obvious for you, frankly. It is a collection of posts and words."

Thats how you see it. I provided information about clear signs on the Playngo slots that they are not legit. You probably never even played Playngo slots (or any slots?) so you dont understand what Im on about. You probably didnt even compare side by side?

And yes our losses pay your salaries. With 101 people fully employed there must be a huge steady flow of money. That takes away any credibility this site could have had, sadly.


Sí, me mantengo firme en mi postura. ¡Todos los casinos son una estafa! ¡Una empresa que primero hace que la gente se vuelva adicta a ellos y luego los roba! ¿Qué otra cosa podría ser? ¡No puede haber más fraudes! ¡Todos deberían terminar entre rejas! ¡Están arruinando nuestro futuro y el de nuestros hijos! ¿Sabes cuántas personas se han endeudado en los últimos 15 años por culpa de los casinos en línea? ¡Creo que lo sabes muy bien! Todos estos casinos en línea deberían prohibirse. ¡Entonces nadie necesitará sitios como Casino Guru o cualquier otro! ¡Ve a trabajar honestamente y ve cómo puedes ganarte el pan honestamente y no lo robes de los bolsillos de los adictos! ¡Adiós!

Traducción automática:

También rechazaron mi reseña en este casino, a pesar de ser mi experiencia honesta. Lo mismo pasó con "Bull 24 Casino", eliminaron mi reseña porque no creían que pudiera dar una mala calificación basándose únicamente en el hecho de que el casino tardó 3 días en pagar (lo cual es demasiado tiempo en 2024, los jugadores tenemos requisitos más altos que eso).

Traducción automática:

Good day to you!

The explanation for your rejected reviews is in this whole conversation, I'm afraid. According to the system, you got this

"Hello, and thank you for your review. Based on your accusation, it would be best if you could send us any kind of proof you have about those fraudulent activities via complaint ( We do not intend to confuse players by allowing such statements. Kindly note that we can retroactively accept your review based on those pieces of evidence. Thank you for your understanding."

I'm sorry because I know you won't agree with your principles. Everything I said so far is mostly also applicable to user reviews. This particular one is about you accusing the casino of providing fake games or manipulating RTP somehow. Mostly, this kind of opinion is submitted the same way. Which almost always prevents us from accepting them. When you say, "These are fake slots, not loading from the provider source. The rtp % has been removed from where it should be on PlayNGo" You really had to find a way to present proofs; otherwise, your concerns and opinions will stay on the forum only.

We will be more than pleased to accept it and look into the entire situation, at least to the extent that we are able, once you have demonstrated everything you have been discussing in the review. Just like I have been saying all along.

Compile your supporting documentation, file the complaint, consider what I have said thus far, and then we will see what happens. Will you proceed?

Sí, me mantengo firme en mi postura. ¡Todos los casinos son una estafa! ¡Una empresa que primero hace que la gente se vuelva adicta a ellos y luego los roba! ¿Qué otra cosa podría ser? ¡No puede haber más fraudes! ¡Todos deberían terminar entre rejas! ¡Están arruinando nuestro futuro y el de nuestros hijos! ¿Sabes cuántas personas se han endeudado en los últimos 15 años por culpa de los casinos en línea? ¡Creo que lo sabes muy bien! Todos estos casinos en línea deberían prohibirse. ¡Entonces nadie necesitará sitios como Casino Guru o cualquier otro! ¡Ve a trabajar honestamente y ve cómo puedes ganarte el pan honestamente y no lo robes de los bolsillos de los adictos! ¡Adiós!

Traducción automática:

I believe that carrying on in this manner is futile. Simply stop playing and look for something else to do if you think all casinos are scams. I see that your problem probably goes deep, so the least I can do is to close your Casino Guru account to relieve any stress you might be experiencing from using our casino-focused website.

Please take good care of yourself.

"It is obvious for you, frankly. It is a collection of posts and words."

Thats how you see it. I provided information about clear signs on the Playngo slots that they are not legit. You probably never even played Playngo slots (or any slots?) so you dont understand what Im on about. You probably didnt even compare side by side?

And yes our losses pay your salaries. With 101 people fully employed there must be a huge steady flow of money. That takes away any credibility this site could have had, sadly.

Yes, we make money.

I've seen many players argue that our methods are unfair simply because we concentrate on casino-related content. I know that having your reviews rejected makes you unhappy. Please read my previous response; even though you sincerely believe what you wrote, we simply cannot approve something like that. Such viewpoints are appropriate for the forum. I took a long time to thoughtfully respond to your post, outlining our thoughts on how we think casinos handle the games. Additionally, you had personal experience dealing with the game provider.

Therefore, if you insist that this is actually happening in these casinos, you simply need proof; we are unable to provide it for you.

Now sure whether it helps, but we, for instance, also reject reviews solely focused on the fact that the player has lost or won. Losing or winning does not describe a casino's pros or cons. The very same principle, if you ask me.

The Safety Index and user reviews must be reliable, so we must take into account whether other people may rely on what is said. However, keeping all of our discussions open on the forum shows that we value the opinions of the players. I hope you will see that when it comes to suggestions that casinos are manipulating the games or RTP, we must be sure first. Just as we explained to you.

Publicado por RayMan Ocultado por Radka
Motivo: Contenido ofensivo


Traducción automática:
Publicado por RayMan Ocultado por Radka
Motivo: Contenido ofensivo

I apologize, but this conversation is not even close to being civil. Although I have been very understanding with you, I will not put up with your baseless, false accusation against Casino Guru that you made on our own forum. As with the other mistaken user, I will permanently ban your account if you are unable to control your emotions.

Fallig into blind accusation may help you feel better, which is great, but I won't waste more energy to face something you're making up out of frustration - this far from discussing fake slots and your other assumptions...

Respectfully, there is not much more to say given what we have already covered.

Unfortunately, take that as your last warning.

I apologize, but this conversation is not even close to being civil. Although I have been very understanding with you, I will not put up with your baseless, false accusation against Casino Guru that you made on our own forum. As with the other mistaken user, I will permanently ban your account if you are unable to control your emotions.

Fallig into blind accusation may help you feel better, which is great, but I won't waste more energy to face something you're making up out of frustration - this far from discussing fake slots and your other assumptions...

Respectfully, there is not much more to say given what we have already covered.

Unfortunately, take that as your last warning.

Con todo respeto, Radka. Las acusaciones no son ni mucho menos infundadas ni falsas. Estoy perfectamente bien, gracias. No soy yo quien no puede controlar sus emociones 😉 Simplemente te dejaron en evidencia. Buena suerte.

Traducción automática:

Glad to hear that! So shall we pass the idea that we are paid by the casino to cover something? I hope we could. 🙂

Así es. Como te niegas a ver estas grandes desviaciones en las ranuras y me pides que aporte pruebas cuando ya he enumerado varios puntos críticos, a largo plazo será así.

Que se escuche la voz de la gente sobre el casino. Espero que no engañen a más jugadores para que depositen dinero en casinos como este. Pero CasinoGuru no quiere eso. Estos casinos probablemente pertenecen a la cima de sus financistas.

Traducción automática:

I won't keep repeating that posting assumptions on the forum has little to do with proofs. Despite the lack of solid evidence to back it up, you have chosen to insist that your opinion is correct. Giving you the opportunity to prove your claims implies that we receive payment from casinos, which is obviously not just a dead end but also the last drop.

I bet we both have seen that coming. I'm banning your account because these blind accusations against Casino Guru won't be tolerated any longer.

Stay well.

No puedo entender como se puede puntuar tan alto a este casino...Primero todas las reglas están en inglés,si estás en un país de habla hispana del cual se puede acceder no entiendo porque no está traducido igual que el resto de la página..Te dan 50 tiradas gratis,pero ganes lo que ganes primero tienes que depositar para retirar(es la primera vez que me pasa en un casino)un máximo de 50€ ( eso lo puedo entender)Ah y el depósito mínimo 20€ ( porque me dices importe 5 € para retirar dices bueno vale,solo es para retirar, supuestamente entonces no entiendo nada)

Les e reclamado y por sus cojones no van a dar lo que e ganado, bueno e ganado bastante más .Pero yo solo pido mis 50€ que gane...

Por lo tanto voy a demandar a dicho casino,por no dignarse ni a traducir las reglas de la página ( el resto de la página está traducida,raro,no?


Hi, it is customary that the Terms are mostly in English because this version is always considered the one to follow in every casino. In some translated Terms, for example, not everything was always written the same way as in the English version, for example regarding bonuses, and various problems arose. 

As far as the bonus is concerned, it is common from FS that they have a maximum cashout. I believe you would find something like that in Terms and it's not unusual.

Regarding the withdrawal, if it was your first time withdrawing, it's common for players to make a verification deposit, so I wouldn't see anything unusual there either.

Anyway, why doesn't the casino want to pay you even the 50 you are entitled to? 


1..Estoy de acuerdo en los términos y condiciones,en todos los casinos están.

2.En lo que no estoy de acuerdo es que en una página en la cual se puede acceder desde un país de habla hispana,solo se traduzca una parte de la página y la que es más importante (desde de mi punto de vista) los términos y condiciones no se traduzca me parece cuando menos raros.

3.Estooy en parte de acuerdo en lo de verificar la forma de pago,pero vamos con 1€ verificas igual ,lo de mínimo 20€ para retirar no lo veo muy normal(mi punto de vista) usted es capaz de descubrir el porque no me los dan ,ya sabría más que yo..Porque yo e echo todo lo de los términos que especifican.

5.Con no jugar más a ese casino listo

Pero que se queden mis 50 €,que yo al menos voy a intentar que por lo menos traduzcan las páginas


Ah y perdona ,no todos los casinos por decir poquísimos tienen las páginas en inglés,e jugado en bastantes y es con el único que e tenido problemas

Como usted dice en las traducciones no se traduce literal , entonces la gente que no sabe inglés,que pasa que como no se enteran?


I surely do understand your points here. It really would be handy if it was all nicely translated to your language, of course.

Just always keep in mind that if you or anyone else don't understand the terms fully, it is always good to ask the support, and they should explain everything properly. They are trained to do so.

I hope you find a casino where you'll be more satisfied, though.

Have you done so already, perhaps?

hi for all the people is the play play the casino Casino Orca Review and all the casino is the silmer casino i want Fight a fraud site, please anyone who sees me showing you my email, contact me if you have been harmed by one of these sites. Thank you thank you

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