PrincipalForoCasinosTema general sobre HellSpin Casino

Tema general sobre HellSpin Casino

 de eramomarco
9.906 visualizaciones 55 respuestas |
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Si quieres hablar de cualquier tema relacionado con HellSpin Casino, como sus juegos, bonos, métodos de pago, problemas con tu cuenta, funciones de juego responsable o cualquier otro asunto, este es el lugar.

Hello everyone,

I'm Marco and I can't withdraw my money on HellSpin casino. They always reject me all methods of cashout (credit card, E-wallet and Crypto).

My balance is huge and i'm worried about it.

Can you help me to solve this problem please?

Best regards,



did you sent the documents for verification? First send them wait for few days to be completed. If they don’t process after the verification lodge the complaint in casinoguru.

Hello everyone,

I'm Marco and I can't withdraw my money on HellSpin casino. They always reject me all methods of cashout (credit card, E-wallet and Crypto).

My balance is huge and i'm worried about it.

Can you help me to solve this problem please?

Best regards,


If your account has not been verified yet, all withdrawals will end up as canceled, I'm afraid.

Do not be surprised if the casino will block your account though, it sometimes happens if the KYC verification or security check is triggered.

Let us know how it's going, please.

Empecé a jugar en Hell Spin Casino por primera vez esta semana. Aposté 20 euros y gané algo. Quería cobrar mis ganancias, pero ahora el casino está interfiriendo. Me pidieron un extracto bancario donde se puede ver la transacción, que tenía el problema bancario para mí y subí una prueba de la transacción. Con número de cuenta, fecha y hora del depósito y el monto, pero mis documentos son constantemente rechazados y, por lo tanto, no se paga el monto. El contacto diario con el soporte no siempre trae las mismas declaraciones. Qué me aconsejas

Traducción automática:


I'd say that you should get some advice from the casino at the moment. It's crucial to learn why the document keeps rejecting, any chance that your full name and address are missing on the statement?

What statements have you got from the casino so far?


Bueno, eso es lo que yo también pensé al principio, así que hice que mi banco imprimiera un estado de cuenta adicional con las ventas donde se encuentra la transacción y donde se encuentra el nombre, dirección, número de cuenta y también creé una prueba de transacción donde todo lo relacionado con la transacción está en él, nombre, fecha, hora, monto y número de cuenta y siempre rechazado. Mi única explicación es que es una cuenta conjunta con mi esposo y como ambos están a nombre de ella, por supuesto, pero no puedo cambiar eso y creo que cuando llevas casados 30 años, es normal tener una cuenta conjunta.

Traducción automática:

Como explicación, siempre aparece el mismo nombre y falta la fecha y el monto de la transacción, pero no es así. Todo está en el comprobante de transacción 🤷‍♀️

Traducción automática:

Hello, Gett.

Well, now I'm quite sure that without the proper explanation from the casino, we are not able to figure out what is possibly wrong. I agree that having a shared bank account is quite normal for two married people, so it makes me think that maybe the casino is lacking proper experience on how to deal with this - just guessing now.

Are you in touch with the support, please? If you feel that the casino is not able to explain what is wrong, I fear that I can only recommend submitting a complaint.

I also found that according to our latest review, the casino does not accept players from Germany. Which country of residence did you state in the registration form, please? 

Thank you in advance.

El peor casino de todos...

Traducción automática:

Care to explain what is wrong?

If only the reputation would not drop so low, did you check it?

You can do so here.


I have been a loyal customer to Hell Spin Casino and have played for almost a year and verified originally when I first signed up so I was receiving my winnings and playing fine until suddenly they locked my account. I don't currently drive so I have a South Australian Proof of Age card which is a valid ID in my state. However it doesn't require a expiry date. And when I originally verified I explained my situation and they approved my account, but now they won't unlock my account (it's locked to the documents page and I can't click on anything excpet upload documents.) They said they don't accept identification with expiry but obviously they can cos they done it before. I am so angry with the service of this casino because I used theses low bet machines for helping with my anxiety and now I can't even play back what I have on my account and can't verify it so that's a nearly 200 dollar loss for me. I don't even think I will use them in the future it's so annoying considering I've already withdrew Hlhundreds before and now this crap.


Hi there,

One could easily say that the casino is not capable of solving a quite usual situation, which is not good especially if we take its low reputation into the consideration. To me, it seems that the casino does not care to help, hence it's good that you created the complaint.

Let's just hope that the staff will cooperate after all.🤞

Editado por el autor

Hellspin casino is trying to steal my cash winnings, how do I report this to CasinoGuru for complaint submission ?


I see you found the way. 👌

Care to explain your issue here on the forum as well?

Im having trouble finding the right document for this

upload proof of joint bank account, where we can see your both names and card number on one screenshot." 

I’ve looked but online banking doesn’t show your card number only your bank account


It depends on the bank options, I'd say.

The way I see it, especially pre-paid cards, or similar kinds, simply do not possess the holder's name. So the best option would be to get in touch with the casino. Explain the situation to the support.

Have you tried that, perhaps? What did you learn from them?

I deposited several deposit over time an actually began to win got up to 8500 an then they auto played my acc until dry.... clearly if 208 times in a row 50 bet was made then U clearly have played someone's acc so U don't have to pay it.... nothing but scum an pies all the support ppls do is replying with please forward it name an blah blah whish IV done several times an that's all they reply with.... there fuckn ripping off dogs


Oh, this is truly a strong accusation. Can you prove that somehow? Are you sure someone else has not gained access to your account instead?

Well, I would suggest submitting a complaint, but be ready for similar questions. I do not intend to say such a situation can't occur; it's just that without proof, there is usually no investigation.

I'll leave the choice to you, of course.

¡Cuidado con la compañía que hará girar! Hice un retiro por primera vez, me pidieron verificación, aceptaron todo, DNI, tarjeta y dirección, y en el segundo retiro, nuevamente me pidieron verificación, ¡me dijeron que normalmente la piden por última vez! Hace tres días retiré una pequeña cantidad de 35€ y se hizo inmediatamente ayer fui a retirar 150€ y me vuelven a pedir dirección y no aceptan nuevamente el mismo comprobante que habían recibido y cancelan el retiro que hacen para que puedas volver a reproducirlo todo ATENCIÓN

Traducción automática:
1 23

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