ForoCasinosTema general sobre Verde Casino

Tema general sobre Verde Casino (página 4)

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hace 8 meses

I understand, but the most sensible thing to do in this case was to withdraw the money and inform the casino about the next course of action to avoid such a situation. Setting up a second account was not the best idea. 

However, as already mentioned, if you think that the casino made a mistake, then you have the option to open a complaint on this link. Our team will investigate your case and see what happens. 

Are you in ? 

hace 8 meses

I understand, but the most sensible thing to do in this case was to withdraw the money and inform the casino about the next course of action to avoid such a situation. Setting up a second account was not the best idea. 

However, as already mentioned, if you think that the casino made a mistake, then you have the option to open a complaint on this link. Our team will investigate your case and see what happens. 

Are you in ? 

hace 8 meses

Hola, la cuenta secundaria y con mis nombres (sin documentos) con otro correo pero no la administraba yo, la administraba mi hermano. Sin embargo, ¿crees que puedo solucionar algo? Porque si ya estoy perdido desde el principio no tiene sentido abrir una denuncia. Acabo de decir cómo fueron las cosas, ¿crees que es correcto? Si hubiera sabido que algo así podía pasar, no habría jugado con mi dinero, habría intentado solucionar el problema antes. Como como mencioné antes pude jugar y ganar 80€, retirarlos sin ningún problema, estaba seguro de que no pasaba nada. Ojo, si no hubiera ganado y con razón no me hubieran bloqueado, habría seguido apostando tranquilamente, ¿me habrían advertido que estaba violando sus reglas? ¿Solo cuando gané y traté de retirarme se dieron cuenta?

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Hi there.

This is a very sad story, indeed.

Frankly, the way I see it, you made several mistakes. Please note you just can't create the second account and then let your brother, or anyone else, manage it. This is strictly against the most common terms and conditions.

From my point of view, the most important part seems to be the timeline.

Imagine this:

One day your first account in the casino was established - all good. You managed to withdraw 80€ without any issues.

From which account did you manage to withdraw, please? In my eyes, this a very important question I feel we need to clarify first.

If you are interested in learning more about this particular issue in a more general manner, please check out the article called "Player verification and duplicate accounts"

Let me know what you think about it, if you don't mind.

Aditionally, it is your turn to update the complaint, this green link gets you to the proper section.

Editado por el autor hace 8 meses
hace 8 meses

No entiendo cómo es posible abrir una segunda cuenta. ¿El casino no tiene seguridad para estas infracciones? ¿Hay una alerta sólo cuando el cliente quiere retirar sus ganancias? ¿Por qué no antes? Puedes depositar a tu antojo, sin ningún problema y en este caso puedes tener incluso 10 cuentas...

Es, por decir lo menos, una política dudosa.

Por eso no juego aquí.


Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Hi there.

This is a very sad story, indeed.

Frankly, the way I see it, you made several mistakes. Please note you just can't create the second account and then let your brother, or anyone else, manage it. This is strictly against the most common terms and conditions.

From my point of view, the most important part seems to be the timeline.

Imagine this:

One day your first account in the casino was established - all good. You managed to withdraw 80€ without any issues.

From which account did you manage to withdraw, please? In my eyes, this a very important question I feel we need to clarify first.

If you are interested in learning more about this particular issue in a more general manner, please check out the article called "Player verification and duplicate accounts"

Let me know what you think about it, if you don't mind.

Aditionally, it is your turn to update the complaint, this green link gets you to the proper section.

hace 8 meses

Retiré 80€ con la cuenta que me bloquearon y la otra cuenta ya existía, me podrían informar ahora mismo

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

¿Qué puedo decir si supiera que existe este problema? No tiraría mi dinero así y luego me bloquearían. Es absurdo.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Retiré 80€ con la misma cuenta que me bloquearon y la otra ya estaba registrada

Podrían haberme bloqueado ahora mismo pero en cambio me dejaron jugar y depositar tranquilamente hasta ganar esa cantidad.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

No entiendo cómo es posible abrir una segunda cuenta. ¿El casino no tiene seguridad para estas infracciones? ¿Hay una alerta sólo cuando el cliente quiere retirar sus ganancias? ¿Por qué no antes? Puedes depositar a tu antojo, sin ningún problema y en este caso puedes tener incluso 10 cuentas...

Es, por decir lo menos, una política dudosa.

Por eso no juego aquí.


Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

You know it's not wise to compare withdrawals and deposits because both transactions are very different, especially regarding checks.

When you deposit at an online casino, there are no actual checks made on the casino's side. It is just a simple money transaction. Equal to when buying gasoline at the gas station and paying by card.

On the other side, when you submit a withdrawal request, the whole process of checking needs to be done because the casino must be perfectly sure you have never violated any casino terms, used only payment methods registered to you, and followed other policies.

So, unless you ask the caisno to perform the KYC (know your customer) right after the registration, there is a pretty high chance that a second account will go unnoticed.

I understand it feels like a gap to catch players, but I guess it is pretty common knowledge that creating a second account is prohibited in every casino performing KYC verification.

Did you read the article I sent you, please? It says:

"We accept that it is the responsibility of players to make sure that they don't create multiple accounts at the same casino. Not because we think it's the right way to do it, but because it's the industry standard, and we cannot penalize all casinos that don't enforce the 'one account per player' rule the way we consider best. However, we believe and hope that checking for duplicate accounts during account creation will become the industry standard in the future and players will be better protected."

hace 8 meses

Retiré 80€ con la misma cuenta que me bloquearon y la otra ya estaba registrada

Podrían haberme bloqueado ahora mismo pero en cambio me dejaron jugar y depositar tranquilamente hasta ganar esa cantidad.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Hello, and thanks for the information. So you withdrawn the initial €80 through the first account. Now comes the important part, I'd say. Did neither of these accounts get verified back then? Sometimes casinos allow lower sums to be withdrawn without full-scale verification, which may result in your situation when a second account is registered along the way.

But as we believe:

"To prevent duplicate accounts, it is feasible and effective to check for duplicate accounts during the account creation process. We don't mean a full know your customer (KYC) procedure that would involve ID verification, but a quick check of personal detail combinations that would only be shared by two separate people in very rare exceptions, such as first name, surname and date of birth. If the casino doesn't require this information during the registration process, it should start doing so.

In most cases there will not be a match and the casino can let the player play, only triggering a full KYC procedure when the player submits their withdrawal request. However, if the casino does get a match, it is likely that the player already has an account. In these cases, notify the player and/or ask them to complete a KYC procedure to make sure that they don't already have an account.

If this is not technologically feasible, the casino shouldn't punish players who created a second account unknowingly and didn't intend to abuse the welcome bonus. If the player hasn’t caused you any harm, it's best to contact them and find an acceptable solution for both involved parties, such as keeping one account opened and closing the other one(s)."

I hope there is a way to help you.

hace 8 meses

Ojalá puedan ayudarme, hice todo sin saberlo.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Hello. I have no reason not to believe you. I just tried to explain that things work somehow in casino, and in certain cases, even the slightest mistake means unpleasant complications.

I'm sorry, but this rule is the common standard. 🙏

hace 8 meses

Buenos días, nuevamente hoy me enviaron el correo de que tengo que subir documentos nuevamente de verde casino, pero esta mañana subí todo, tienen esto, pero hacen como que no pasó nada, pero ¿es posible? He estado durmiendo durante 2 semanas desde que peleé con ellos.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

file Aquí está, esto es lo que hacen todos los días.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Hi, according to the email that the casino sent, these are the standard KYC stuff they need. We give casinos 14 days to resolve the verification, but you say it's been going on for 2 weeks, which is exactly the time frame. 

Anyway, did you try to write to the live chat that you sent the documents and that they are asking you to do the same again ? Do I understand correctly that you have already been successfully verified once and now they want the same documents from you again ? 

I also saw that you already have a complaint and the casino replied to it twice, telling you to complete the verification according to the instructions in the email. So if you have not successfully completed it yet, try to cooperate and upload everything according to the guidelines. If there are still problems, then you have an open complaint and we will try to help you.

hace 8 meses

Buenos días, subí todos los documentos, hoy me enviaron el correo que tengo para enviar la foto de la cédula de identidad, que también subí la primera, pero hoy también volví a subir el documento, colaboré siempre con ellos. , pero todos los días los mismos correos, las mismas cosas, estoy esperando ahora a ver que me piden para verificar mi cédula, porque he sido bueno y he esperado casi 3 semanas, lo cual no me parece normal. yo considerando que para jugar también necesito retiros, sí siguen diciendo las mismas cosas incluso ahora y Fanny no me lo verifica y luego para poder hacer el retiro me hago justicia en todos lados porque lo que Fanny ellos no es correcto en absoluto... esperemos que se mantengan en orden y hagan lo correcto y hagan lo correcto, así estemos todos en orden... gracias

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

file Aquí está el correo electrónico, el último que me enviaron hoy.

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

Okay, so I think you're doing the right thing by trying to cooperate, so if your account isn't still verified, you can mention that in your complaint. Our team will try to help you with the whole situation.  

However, I really hope that the verification will be successful and you will not have further difficulties.  

hace 8 meses

No, mi cuenta aún no está verificada porque todos los días envían el correo y piden las mismas cosas, pero siempre envío lo que me pidieron, no sé si quieren más, no me parece bien en todo gracias

Traducción automática:
hace 8 meses

I believe that when I read the complaint I can already refute this statement, and in it I learned that you have already managed to verify and now you will wait for your withdrawal. 

I firmly believe that it will already be hassle-free and everything will go smoothly. 

Be sure to let me know if you got your money. 😊☘️

hace 8 meses

Si, muchas gracias, que tengas un buen día.

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