PrincipalForoQuejasPago de Volcano Vegas

Pago de Volcano Vegas (página 4)

 de Saskia
30.507 visualizaciones 68 respuestas |
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Ya se han pagado 1.000 €. Gané el dinero con dinero real, no con un bono. Aún faltan 500€.

Traducción automática:

Things are probably moving forward; that's good. 👌🙌


What are we looking at, please? Is there anything you'd like to add, perhaps?🤷‍♀️

Hola a todos.

Ahora me gustaría que me pagaran 7.000 euros, preferiblemente en mi cuenta bancaria. Estoy un poco inseguro de si es una buena idea. Preguntas:

¿Puede suceder que el pago se vuelva a realizar x veces?

¿Y qué bancos realizan exactamente los pagos? Mi gerente de cuentas bancarias dijo que un pago de los bancos más grandes y reputados realmente no activa ninguna alarma.

Traducción automática:

Hi, how long have you been waiting for your money ? I think these questions are best for the casino to answer, so try asking them.

Also, when you talk about the money that is "slit" did you mean split ? Have you had any successful withdrawals here ? 


Do you want to know if using a bank transfer will result in a split of your withdrawable funds at the casino?

According to our casino details, there is no withdrawal limit for € transactions. To be 100% sure, though, I would consult the terms and conditions or the chat operator.

You also need to ask the casino to know which bank or banks (could be more than one) hold the transactions.

Try to find out and share the result, please.

Ahora que he perdido otros 800€, sólo me quedan 6200€ para retirar.

Por fraccionar me refiero a que en este post se comentaba que el pago se dividiría en un total de, por ejemplo, diez pagos de 620€ cada uno. Y eso llamaría la atención del banco. También llamaría la atención si recibiera el dinero dividido o el dinero dividido del extranjero.

Todavía no he solicitado un pago porque quería saber cómo funciona realmente el proceso de pago a una cuenta bancaria en Alemania. Esperaba que alguien pudiera decirme de qué banco o bancos se realizan los pagos.

Traducción automática:

Sure, but as Radka said, we don't have any limit for Euros on our review, so theoretically you should be able to withdraw them all at once and nothing would have to be split. But it's always best to ask the support if that's the case or not to find out. 

As for the banks, I have absolutely no idea which one they use, it would probably be a question for them too, so I guess so. Maybe a player will reach you and help you, but I can't guarantee that. Also, I certainly wouldn't gamble with money and try to find out that information and make a withdrawal. 

If you have problems let me know and we'll see if something can be done.

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