El jugador de Bulgaria canceló el bono por error y se anularon todas las ganancias. Después de un examen más detallado, terminamos rechazando esta queja por injustificada.
The player from Bulgaria has cancelled the bonus by mistake and all the winnings were voided. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
El jugador de Bulgaria canceló el bono por error y se anularon todas las ganancias. Después de un examen más detallado, terminamos rechazando esta queja por injustificada.
Deposité 20 BGN con un bono y 20 BGN del casino, hice 277 y no me dejaba retirarlos y había un botón de cancelar sin leer el botón, cuando te niegas, perdiste todo y de 277 se convirtió en 0 BGN, desde el chat dijeron que no me reembolsarán nada, por favor ayúdenme, es mucho dinero y sin previo aviso perderé todo, desaparecieron y dijeron que habían leído los términos y condiciones y el botón era presionado sin ninguna advertencia de que perdería todo el saldo
I deposited 20 BGN with a bonus and 20 BGN from the casino, I made 277 and it didn't let me withdraw them and there was a cancel button without reading the button, when you refuse, you lost everything and from 277 it became 0 BGN, from the chat they said that they will not refund me anything, please help for me it is a lot of money and without any warning that I will lose everything they disappeared and said that you had read the terms and conditions and the button was pressed without any warning that I would lose the entire balance
Депозирах със бонус 20 лв и 20 лв от казиното направих 277 и не му даде да ги тегля и имаше бутон отказ без да прочета при отказ бутона си губил всичко и от 277 станаха 0 лв от чата казаха че няма да ми възстановят нищо моля ви помогнете ми за мен са много пари и без никакво предупреждение че ще изгубя всичко изчезнаха и казаха да бил си чел условията а бутона се натисна без никакво предупреждение че губя целия баланс
Estimado Sasa223,
Muchas gracias por enviar su queja. Lamento escuchar acerca de su problema. Permítame hacerle algunas preguntas, para que pueda entender toda la situación por completo. ¿Podría informarme si la apuesta del bono se completó cuando canceló el bono? ¿Ya intentaste comunicar este problema con el casino? Si hay alguna comunicación relevante, reenvíela junto con su historial de juegos a petronela.k@casino.guru .
A la espera de saber de ti. Gracias de antemano.
Dear Sasa223,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise if the bonus wagering was completed when you cancelled the bonus? Have you tried to communicate this issue with the casino already? If there's any relevant communication please forward it along with your game history to petronela.k@casino.guru.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
La matanza del bono no había terminado y me reporté al sitio, dijeron que no podían hacer nada. No me hicieron caso para nada, escribí varias veces
The killing of the bonus was not finished and I reported to the site, they said that they could not do anything. They did not pay attention to me at all, I wrote several times
Не беше приключило избиването на бонуса и съобщих на сайта казаха че не можели да направят нищо.Въобще не ми обърнаха внимание доста пъти писах
El soporte solo respondió que no había nada que pudieran hacer y me estaban excluyendo del chat.
The support only replied that there was nothing they could do and they were excluding me from the chat
Само ми отговаряше супорта че нищо не можели да направят и ме изключваха от чата
Comentarios adicionales del jugador:
"Hola, la bonificación era del 80 por ciento y más, luego me confundí, hice clic en cancelar la bonificación y no hubo ninguna advertencia de que lo perdería todo. La bonificación era de 20 BGN por 20 y gané 277, no sé si cualquier persona normal daría este dinero, por la correspondencia de su sitio web, probablemente le escribí a su soporte 5.6 veces, no me prestaron atención en absoluto e incluso me desconectaron del sitio web y llamé a su teléfono el lo mismo y escribí un correo electrónico, no hay respuesta en absoluto".
Player's additional comments:
"Hello, so the bonus was at 80 percent and up, then I got confused, I clicked cancel the bonus and there was no warning that I would lose everything. The bonus was 20 BGN for 20 and I made 277, I don't know if any normal person would give up this money, for the correspondence from their website, I probably wrote to their support 5.6 times, they didn't pay attention to me at all and even disconnected me from the website and I called their phone the same thing and wrote an email, there is no answer at all."
Player's additional comments:
"Здравейте значи бонуса беше на 80 процента и нагоре после се обърках натиснах отказ от бонуса и не ми излезна предупреждение че ще изгубя всичко.Бонуса беше 20 лв за 20 и ги направих 277 незнам някой нормален човек да се откаже от тези пари,за кореспонденцията от сайта им сигурно 5,6 пъти им писах на супорта въобще не ми обръщаха внимание и дори ме изключваха от сайта и звънях на телефона им същата работа и писах имейл въобще няма отговор."
Lo siento mucho, pero si canceló su bono antes de completar los requisitos de apuesta, no hay mucho que podamos hacer por usted. Entiendo que se ha hecho por error y no intencionalmente, pero aún así, no se puede revertir.
Ojalá pudiera ser de más ayuda. Lamentamos que no podamos ayudarlo a resolver este caso, pero no dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene algún problema con cualquier otro casino en el futuro. Por las razones antes mencionadas, ahora rechazaré esta queja. Gracias por su comprensión.
I'm truly sorry but if you cancelled your bonus before completing the wagering requirements, there's not much we can do for you. I understand it has been done by mistake and not intentionally, but still, it can't be reversed.
I wish I could be of more help. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you to resolve this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. For the abovementioned reasons, I will now reject this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Cursos educativos, profesionales y gratuitos para empleados de casinos online que tienen el objetivo de hacer un repaso de las buenas prácticas de la industria para mejorar la experiencia del jugador y ofrecer un enfoque justo de los juegos de azar.
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