Estimado Virtual Marketing Services Italia srl (en relación con 888 Italia Limited en Malta),
Dado que han pasado más de 24 horas desde las solicitudes de retiro de las ganancias adjuntas, le pido que arregle urgentemente el mismo día para pagarlas vía Paypal, en detalle le adjunto las cantidades adeudadas:
Dear Virtual Marketing Services Italia srl (in relation to 888 Italia Limited in Malta),
since more than 24 hours have passed since the requests for withdrawal of the attached winnings, I would ask you to urgently arrange for the same day to pay them via Paypal, in detail I am attaching the amounts due:
Spett.le Virtual Marketing Services Italia srl (in rapp. di 888 Italia Limited in Malta),
essendo trascorse piú di 24 ore dalle richieste di prelievo delle vincite allegate, prego voler provvedere urgentemente in giornata al pagamento delle stesse tramite Paypal, in dettaglio Vi allego gli importi dovuti:
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