Querida Romi,
Espero que te encuentres bien.
Voy a compartir algunas cosas con vosotros.

Aún no he presentado una queja porque estoy esperando que el casino responda a este correo electrónico.
Espero que te encuentres bien.
Lamento mucho no poder acceder a mi cuenta debido a que está cerrada.
Contigo me gustaría comprobar mi identidad y también demostrar que no tengo cuentas duplicadas.
Recibí un correo electrónico de usted mencionado anteriormente, con la posibilidad de acceder a la cuenta.
¿Resolvemos la situación juntos?
Con los mejores deseos,
Romarico Manuel Fernández Silva."
Esperaré la respuesta del casino.
Con los mejores deseos,
Romarico Silva.
Dear Romi,
I hope you are well.
I'll share a few things with you.

I haven't filed a complaint yet because I'm waiting for the casino to reply to this email
I hope you are well.
It is with great regret that I cannot access my account due to it being closed.
With you, I would like to prove my identity and also prove that I do not have duplicate accounts.
I received an email from you mentioned above, with the possibility of accessing the account.
Shall we resolve the situation together?
With best regards,
Romarico Manuel Fernandes Silva."
I'll wait for the casino's reply.
With best regards,
Romarico Silva.
Prezado Romi,
Espero que se encontre bem.
Vou partilhar algumas coisas com você.

Ainda não apresentei uma reclamação porque estou á espera que o casino me responda a este email
I hope you are well.
It is with great regret that I cannot access my account due to it being closed.
With you, I would like to prove my identity and also prove that I do not have duplicate accounts.
I received an email from you mentioned above, with the possibility of accessing the account.
Shall we resolve the situation together?
With best regards,
Romarico Manuel Fernandes Silva."
Vou aguardar a resposta do casino.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Romarico Silva.
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