ForoCasinosTema general sobre Velobet Casino

Tema general sobre Velobet Casino (página 17)

hace 1 año de Landgraf1994
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hace 1 mes

Actually, I have little to add.

In my opinion, we have explained all we could. We've been very open to you. The casino has changed the system, probably thanks to your persistence. You got the refunds even from the 3rd account.

Thus, from our perspective, the complaint is closed. I'm sorry you disagree; there is no reason to keep the complaint open - its process has reached the final stage.

Moral principles, or other truths, as you prefer to say, are available here on the forum, since this is the place for debates. Anyone is welcome to read your complaint, or your perfectly visible forum posts. Nothing has been hidden.

End from my side, I guess.

hace 1 mes

Totalmente encontrá de tu perspectiva pero con todo el respeto desde este momento tomaré otras vías cuando esté totalmente perfilado todo de principio a fin

Solo agradeceros que gracias a vosotros ha salido a la luz las ilegalidades de este casino la única mancha que no me habéis permitido nunca explicarlo toda la ilegalidad que ha cometido este casino con sus clientes hasta ahora rechazandome las reseñas y no modificando el índice de seguridad cosa que ni entiendo ni entenderé nunca incluso especialistas y profesionales de esto que me están ayudando no entienden

desde ahora ???????

una incognita de casino

por mi lado nada más supongo tampoco.

hace 1 mes

There is actually something worth mentioning, and it could also have been a part of your dissatisfaction.

Allow me to mention just one thing: posting comments on the forum about anything you believe any casino has done wrong is preferable to doing so specifically for a user review. The "crime" or unfair behavior must be proven in order for the user review to be made public, particularly if there is a complaint attached.

In spite of this, the review needs to include a sufficient quantity of information; otherwise, the community will not really benefit from it.

I checked your reviews, would you say this text is informative?

"I have only had problems with this casino and it ruined my life."

"This casino was about to end my life and almost drove me to suicide, with that, it is all said above, recognizing its mistake and its guilt, refusing to pay for its true consequences safety index 0 casino guru knows perfectly well my experience with and It has all the evidence that is why I hope my review is published because it is my real experience, thank you."

Through the explanation provided, we attempted to advise you on how to proceed with the review.

"Hello, thank you for your review. I can see you rated the casino pretty low. Could you please share more details about the issue at the casino so it will be helpful for other players as well?"

I truly don't want to oppose you - if only you tried to submit a decent user review with a true value, preferably from a single account - not more than one. It has a fair chance of being approved then.

Thank you for your time and dedication. You have done a great deal of good through the complaint, and I wish you only the best.

hace 1 mes

Perdona pero para ser honesta ,publica todas las que he estado mandando que habéis rechazado y en reseñas porque estás son la desesperación ya de que no me aceptabais ninguna y sabía que no me las ibais aceptar y muchas con información de mis problemas en la retiradas los depósitos y sobre todo juego responsable creo que pruebas hay suficientes como habéis demostrado vosotros mismos es que lo sabéis desobra y estáis informados perfectamente otra cosa que no interese publicarlas donde deben estar informados los jugadores en las reseñas

sabéis que han estado incumpliendo la ley y aprovechandose de jugadores vulnerables y sigue el mismo índice de seguridad y habéis estado perfectamente al tanto de todo.

hace 1 mes

Saying anything more would only serve to continue this circle. Everything has been explained to you very openly.

I regret to see that you are unable to move past your own viewpoint.

Thank you for your contribution.

hace 1 mes

No perdona no lo puedo superar NO, vosotros no me lo habéis echo superar mi punto de vista y el que ha sufrido la situación he sido yo y trágica.

pero bueno mi opinión es que estáis más de lado de casino que de los jugadores vulnerables mi caso , mi experiencia y mi opinión totalmente personal me ha llevado a mi punto de vista si no esto no se hubiera cerrado así,de explicado abiertamente NADA de NADA y para vosotros es un circulo para mí es un cierre de mi queja sin respuestas y sin pagar las ilegalidades cometidas que detrás de esto hay muchas cosas sorprendentes.

Pero repito todo es mi opinión personal y respetable tanto la mia como la de los demás es igual de respetable aunque la mia no se me respete mucho.

Solo agradeceros todo lo indagado por vosotros y vuestros resultados obtenidos aún tomando medidas muy escasas

Yo ahora seguiré por otro camino q espero y creo q si tengo más apoyo para seguir luchando por la legalidad aunque no llegue a nada ,quien sabe ,lo intentare que se sepa todo, todo.


hace 1 mes

I'll try to mention aspects the whole team was considering when we were discussing your case, they might be of interest, and I'll leave that to you.

Mainly, we are not lawyers here, we do not represent or substitute laws. I understand you aim for compensation, as you said "the illegalities committed" - this is something we have no authority to get involved in. Yet I understand that, from your perspective, it's something you've attached to achieving. One way or another, I hope you will be satisfied in the end.

The next part is quite complex, but still, understanding the background is important:

Currently, almost all operators operate under a license that defines the rules and scope of self-exclusion. Moreover, virtually all operators offer some sort of self-exclusion to their players, whose scope is highly dependent on regulatory requirements and decisions of individual operators.

There are currently two basic levels of self-exclusion:

Single-operator level: Typically, when self-excluding in an online casino, the self-exclusion does not extend to other operators. This creates a problem: self-excluded players can freely access and play at other casino websites, bringing the overall effectiveness of such self-exclusion schemes into question.

Nationwide/license-wide level: Some countries and online gambling regulators, such as the UK, Sweden, or the Netherlands, operate wider self-exclusion schemes, which require their licensees (operators) to be part of nationwide (license-wide) self-exclusion schemes. These allow players to self-exclude from all casinos licensed in a specific country or by a specific regulator at once, creating a better level of protection.

As of this moment, a player struggling with problem gambling symptoms cannot self-exclude on a global scale. This means that although the player self-excludes on one of the above-mentioned levels, there are still many ways in which players can bypass these self-imposed measures.

It should be noted, in a more thorough version of the previous overview, that every platform, casino operator, and brand has a unique approach to the self exclusion tools. There is not a definitive guide or rule outlining how everyone should go about doing that. As a result, we are unable to establish a baseline by which we could assess the caliber of the options that are provided. While some casinos only keep track of emails as personal information, others offer a "short registration form."

If we had punished this casino for what has been done but is no longer possible, we would also have to start punishing many others, even though we would not have a decent methodology for doing so. I can promise you that you have reopened this conversation, but this is not the direction we are ready to take today.

Now, in order to fill this void, we offer the forum in addition to user reviews or complaints.

I appreciate your well-meaning intentions.

hace 1 mes

Mira Radka primero la autoexlusion por adicción al juego fue con el mismo operador que hizo caso omiso y se permitio MISMO OPERADOR seguir jugando con consecuencias catastroficas que tendrá que medir un juez

y las reglas de un casino universales es proteger a los jugadores vulnerables,menores y blanqueo de dinero cada casino puede tener sus reglas pero por encima está la ley

vosotros no lo habéis castigado porque no habéis querido vuestras razones tendréis reabristeis el caso con pruebas de su ilegalidad por eso lo reabristeis e investigasteis y llegasteis a la conclusión de que eran culpables

flaco favor hacéis a jugadores en general porque aparte de un índice de seguridad bajo Demostrado mi experiencia fueron problemas en depósitos y retiradas

Yo solo quiero que se pague por sus actos ilegales demostrado y ayudar a jugadores que no pasen por lo mismo

yo si me explicado abiertamente

hace 1 mes

Y reitero mis gracias a casinoguru por demostrar las ilegalidades que cometían ahora ni lo se ni me interesa ya, si siguen igual yo he echo todo lo posible para que se cortará esta ilegalidad y todos los jugadores estuvieran informados con todos los impedimentos que me he encontrado sobre todo publicaciones de reseñas porque el daño y mucho ya está realizado y eso está echo.

Muchas gracias.

hace 1 mes

Thank you as well; take care, and best wishes on your honorable campaign!

You are welcome to start your own thread here in the forum to keep others updated on your progress. I wanted to let you know in case you were interested in doing so.

hace 1 mes

Gracias pero creo que no hará falta estoy seguro que de la evolución del caso os enterareis a la vez q yo

Y de vosotros dependerá dar información a la comunidad de jugadores con claridad ?????.

hace 1 mes

Well, the "case" has been closed. I can hardly inform others on your behalf. I do not even know what you plan to do next.

hace 1 mes

No esperaba menos que me denegarais la reapertura lo tenía ya asimilado.

hace 1 mes


Velobet is one the best bookie able in many countries. Fast deposits and whidrawals, very professional support able 24h and answering very fast. Many sports able to play, even table tennis. I hardly recommend this bookie and casino. I dont see how can I give my Mark but its max so 10/10 or 5/5 stars

hace 1 mes

Si jajaja que graciosos Tan poco hace falta ser tan descarados no hacen falta los comentarios que están pagados.

Se sabe que ha tenido problemas y gordos en retiradas,depósitos y sobre todo el juego responsable todo demostrado todo lo demás son mentiras y gordas en apoyo a este casino.

Mejor que un jugador sepa la verdad aunque luego intenté suicidarse ese problema es suyo.

hace 1 mes


Velobet is one the best bookie able in many countries. Fast deposits and whidrawals, very professional support able 24h and answering very fast. Many sports able to play, even table tennis. I hardly recommend this bookie and casino. I dont see how can I give my Mark but its max so 10/10 or 5/5 stars

hace 1 mes

Thank you for your post. It sounds like an advertisement to me, to tell you the truth, though.🤷‍♀️

Have you some experience you can write about, perhaps? How long did it take to withdraw your winnings? Did you play some casino games as well? Try to describe it so everyone can read about it.

Here's also the link where you can submit your user review if you wish.

hace 1 mes

Si jajaja que graciosos Tan poco hace falta ser tan descarados no hacen falta los comentarios que están pagados.

Se sabe que ha tenido problemas y gordos en retiradas,depósitos y sobre todo el juego responsable todo demostrado todo lo demás son mentiras y gordas en apoyo a este casino.

Mejor que un jugador sepa la verdad aunque luego intenté suicidarse ese problema es suyo.

hace 1 mes

Every player has the right to express his or her opinion and write about his or her experience at the casino. We always try to keep the reviews unbiased and always try to find out if the player is not writing truthful experiences.

hace 1 mes

Tldr; Velobet and all their sub brands are a scam, pay small balances, don't pay big.

Bit of an update. After Velobet (and other casinos owned by same brand paid me out at first) they have locked two accounts with around 500 and around 1k in each. This was September 2023, a year ago. They claimed it was due to an "investigation" but in reality after I asked them what I done wrong they said that the traders didn't like me "betting on obscure games". So effectively even though they have a large offering, they will not pay if you bet on majority of it.

After I contacted them 6 months on, then a year on I get the same reply from Goldenbet and Freshbet. After just going on chat they said investigation is going on, no time frame, np update.

To anyone reading this, most crypto casinos are scams. They don't pay on big wins, will be happy to take 1k and pay 1k but if you suddenly get lucky you will get a "bet review" and your money will either disappear from balance or just not get paid and the review will be indefinite.

Anyone here welcome to contact me if you want to know more. My email is my username on here, followed by gmail and com.

hace 1 mes

Esto no interesa aquí seguro que sube el índice de seguridad

Y si ,cada jugador tiene derecho a expresar su opinión y aprobar las reseñas

pero porfavor que se permitan publicar las pagadas y las que no porque como muy bien has dicho todo el mundo tiene derecho y se deben hacer públicas las buenas y malas

Gracias jwillow84

hace 4 semanas

Me parece lo más vergonzoso en el mundo del juego que siga teniendo un índice de seguridad alto en Casino gurú sabiendo este perfectamente todo lo que ha echo mal incluso reconociéndolo estos con echos y palabras lo que han echo,sobre todo a puertas de una demanda que ni im

aginan hasta donde llega

Basta ya de excusas los grandes perjudicados serán los jugadores que busquen asesorarse sobre un casino decente y legal de lo que no tiene nada este y lo saben el daño echo

Soy un mar de dudas y poco a poco me van

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