PrincipalForoJuego responsablecansado de perder

cansado de perder (página 5)

 de roberta81
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Eso no tiene nada que ver con la opinión 😉

Hablar siempre es más fácil que hacer algo.

Especialmente cuando se trata de adicciones.

Tu frase "simplemente juega responsablemente" realmente no está ayudando a nadie.

Traducción automática:

I think you didn't understand what "play responsibly" means! 😉


I'd say you should read the thread first. It partially describes the difficulty addicted players face far too often. There would be not a single addicted person if your statement were true. 🙂

Vulnerable players are in a specific condition, so such a simple decision is usually far behind their reach.

I empathize, the rest of the players could easily say "just stop playing" and they'll probably stop.


Playing responsibly is all about knowing your limits and playing within your means.


No entendiste absolutamente nada.

Por favor, ahorre a la gente de aquí su ignorancia.

Para algunas personas que tienen problemas de salud mental, esto no es tan fácil.

Puedes decir que nunca has tenido que sufrir realmente en tu vida.

De lo contrario, no estarías publicando tanta basura aquí.

Son las personas y no las computadoras las que solucionan los problemas con solo presionar un botón.

¿Cuántos años tienes, 12?

Traducción automática:

Likewise, you also understood nothing because as far as I know the title of the tread is "tired of losing" right? I don't know what the fuck you talking about lol. And I guess you reach that senior expert by talking nonsense kinds of stuff. 😉

You talk too much bro like you know anything 😂 and yes I have fun drinking my milk 😉 and for you have fun barking 😂

Guys... I think this is just a silly misunderstanding. Would you both stop tutoring each other, please? 🙂

Let's be more generous and respectfull, shall we?



Oops I'm sorry Dear Radka 🙏


🙂 You don't have to! I'm only a tool here. 😉

Entiendo su frustración de perder todas las noches y la sensación de perder el dinero que tanto le costó ganar. Es importante recordar que el juego debe ser un entretenimiento y no apoderarse de su vida. Puede ser una buena idea buscar la ayuda de un consejero profesional o unirse a grupos de apoyo para obtener apoyo y asesoramiento para encontrar un equilibrio saludable en su juego.

Traducción automática:

I would also add that playing casino is only for entertainment, but not a source of income. And I'm extremely sorry when people put everything on the line and lose everything in an instant.


Radka, your answers are always polite and optimistic. Is it possible to find out if one person always answers under your nickname, or several but in turn? :) If it's not a secret, of course :)


Desafortunadamente, esto sucede todos los días... 😔

Lamentablemente, hoy en día es mucho más difícil porque tienes acceso las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana a los casinos en línea y el teléfono móvil suele estar listo para pagar.

Me gustaría que nuestro mundo tomara este problema en serio y considerara un método que realmente ayudaría a las personas.

Muchos se hunden en la depresión y este es el punto en el que puede volverse muy peligroso ya que esa persona no está pensando con claridad en ese momento debido a todo el dolor y la depresión y simplemente se juega todo para que algunos ni siquiera puedan volver a llenar el refrigerador.

En general, hay tantos problemas en este planeta que a veces ya no sabes dónde está tu cabeza.

Espero que en el futuro haya una solución a este gran problema.

La gente ya tiene suficiente peso sobre sus hombros.

Traducción automática:

Hello, kurt03!

You're being so kind 🙂. Nope, it's just me - no secret!

Every new admin/moderator is supposed to get his/her own avatar. Hopefully, you'll see some fresh "faces" soon. 😉


So true... 🙏✨

Once the pleasure becomes a way to escape, it's time to take a break. It's not only about gambling. 💚


But even if I fantasize, I don’t know how to limit access to online casinos for people with depression or other problems. Otherwise, it turns out that this is a restriction of his rights and desires, which do not harm others. But I agree with you, it would be cool if people found a solution to this problem. And entertainment was entertainment, not a way to escape from problems ..


I was diagnosed bi-polar it means having extreme highs and lows in my mental thoughts. I wasn't gambling when I was first diagnosed I was already into something more dangerous to my well being ( you can probably guess🤪) My problem is I have too much time on my hands and also I've worked out I'm not too intelligent 🤓 I won €1500 off a small deposit so I went on a fine dining and general spending spree then I managed to lose half of it back to the casino 😭 I have a roof over my head and live a relatively comfortable life. I could stop but don't want to because it fills a void of nothinless going on in my life. I'm single

64 don't drink so it's carry on for now.

I think that I'm in the minority and that most people who gamble throw a few quid at a casino and if they win it's a bonus but they have an entertaining time doing it if they lose.

If you feel you have a compulsive need to gamble and have estatic highs when you win and feelings of 🤬 anger or depression 😫 when you lose it might be because you are also bi-polar and it might be an idea to get a diagnosis or seek help in some way.


Editado por el autor

I have no idea what you have been through!

Stay strong!

Es completamente comprensible que sea frustrante perder. Especialmente si podrías estar en un momento de tu vida en el que solo necesitas una victoria. Recomendaría asegurarse de haber elegido los mejores casinos para su estilo de juego. He estado usando un sitio web llamadoBestCasinosider y realmente me ha ayudado a encontrar los sitios de juegos adecuados para mí. Recuerda, ¡tampoco hay vergüenza en detenerse mientras la obra es buena! Sin embargo, sé que para algunos es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo.

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