ForoJuego responsableGambling Negative impacts

Gambling Negative impacts

hace 1 mes de DigitalDolphin
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Gambling can have various negative consequences, depending on the extent and context in which it is practiced. Here’s a breakdown of how gambling can be detrimental:

1. Financial Consequences

Debt and Bankruptcy: Gambling can lead to significant financial losses, resulting in debt accumulation and, in severe cases, bankruptcy.

Loss of Savings: People might gamble away their savings, including retirement funds, college savings, or money set aside for emergencies.

2. Mental Health Impact

Addiction: Gambling can be highly addictive, leading to a disorder known as problem gambling or gambling addiction. This addiction can be as severe as substance abuse disorders.

Stress and Anxiety: The financial strain and guilt associated with gambling losses can cause significant stress and anxiety.

Depression: Persistent gambling problems can lead to feelings of helplessness and depression, and in extreme cases, even suicidal thoughts.

3. Social Consequences

Relationship Strain: Gambling can put a strain on personal relationships, including marriages and friendships, due to secrecy, financial troubles, and emotional distress.

Neglect of Responsibilities: A person addicted to gambling may neglect work, family, and other responsibilities, leading to further social isolation and conflict.

4. Criminal Activity

Illegal Acts: In some cases, people with severe gambling problems may resort to illegal activities, such as theft or fraud, to obtain money for gambling or to cover up losses.

5. Economic Impact

Costs to Society: Gambling addiction can have broader economic impacts, including costs related to healthcare, law enforcement, and social services.

Loss of Productivity: Problem gambling can affect work performance and productivity, leading to economic losses for employers and society.

6. Health Consequences

Physical Health: Chronic stress and anxiety from gambling can lead to physical health problems, such as cardiovascular issues, headaches, and gastrointestinal disorders.

7. Impact on Communities

Community Harm: In some communities, especially those with high rates of gambling, there can be a broader negative impact, including increased crime rates and social disintegration.

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Thank you for your contribution here on our forum. I hope many users will read your post and be aware.

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La adicción se produce muy rápidamente. Empiezas así, intentándolo. Pierdes algo de dinero, te sientes muy mal. Quieres salir de ahí. A veces sucederá, recuperarás tu dinero y saldrás de la depresión. La mayoría de las veces, empeorará aún más. En consecuencia, con el tiempo comienzas a perseguir pérdidas durante un día, una semana, un mes, un año, quieres desterrar esos pensamientos oscuros, la conciencia culpable. Y te hundes cada vez más...

Desarrollas la conciencia de un perdedor, porque es un juego de perder. Eres un perdedor. Te vuelves rencoroso, complejo, te comportas mal con tus seres queridos. Caes cada vez más bajo. En casos extremos, puedes acabar en la tumba o en el manicomio. Aunque es poco probable que las estadísticas lo expliquen. A nadie le importa realmente lo que te pase. Conozco un montón de casos. De vidas fallidas, de gente que se ha vuelto loca, incluso de suicidios. La cárcel...

Te contaré cómo salí de esto. Aunque probablemente habrá odio. Pero sí, este es un posible resultado de "final feliz". Empecé a hacerlo profesionalmente y en esta etapa tengo ganancias de alrededor de 250.000 euros. Pero durante muchos años, el beneficio mensual no es nada impresionante. Pero en realidad, gané este dinero jugando. No soy un "perdedor", no tengo nada que "perseguir", que "perseguir pérdidas". Que esta es una forma de "hackear la vida". Si nada más ayuda. Hay muchas formas de ganar jugando. Como en algunas áreas no es obligatorio tener habilidades especiales, conocimientos. Por ejemplo, puedes jugar por promociones, bonos de renovación o comprar apuestas de pronosticadores probados. También apuestas de partido, apuestas de cobertura, también apuestas de arbitraje. Como algunas de las apuestas están libres de riesgo. Pero esto es "juego de azar" y así es como puedes manipular tu psique. Para salir del pantano... Para contabilizar las ganancias, como las del juego, y así recuperar las pérdidas. Y posiblemente poner fin a esta oscura aventura.

Lamentablemente, el 99,9% de las personas que buscan información en sitios "pro-juegos" terminan volviéndose adictas al "juego puro". Este "99,9%" no es exagerado, véase por ejemplo el caso de las apuestas en el Reino Unido y en los partidos. Estamos hablando de millones de personas a lo largo de los años (200.000 "nuevos" cada año) que ganan dinero con apuestas sin riesgo, pero al final lo devuelven a las casas de apuestas o casinos y pierden varias veces más. Los propietarios de las casas de apuestas no están en contra de esta práctica, de que sus bonos se utilicen para apuestas sin riesgo. Porque saben a dónde conduce esto...

Si alguien decide "hackear su psique" de esta manera, que no olvide cómo se sentía antes, en qué clase de infierno vivió en algún momento. Si lo olvida, volverá a estar allí...

Editado por el autor hace 1 mes
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It's quite a strange way to get out of it, and I would say you are one of the millions who got away with it. I don't think if you become a professional "gambler" that's the way out even if you win. I think you're still just as addicted and I can't see how anyone could make money from gambling long term. It's more of a utopia to me than the truth. Of course there may be people who are lucky and win a jackpot, but to play long term and make an income from it is, in my opinion, less than impossible. But that's my view on it and if a guy is addcited, I would never send him to play again or to become a pro in this field. 

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O estás troleando o eres un completo ignorante. Hay decenas de miles de jugadores profesionales, jugadores de póquer, apostadores, cazadores de bonos, contadores de cartas, etc. Y hay otros. ¿De qué estás hablando? No sabes nada en absoluto. O quieres que parezca así a propósito. Hay organizaciones, sindicatos, "cárteles", todo el ecosistema de juego está influenciado por los jugadores profesionales. Así es el mundo en línea, no por los apostadores recreativos, sino por los jugadores profesionales, que son un factor mucho más importante.

¿Y qué decís ahora que miento? ¿Sobre qué tengo que mentir? ¿Qué decís? Dadme una buena razón para mentir sobre ello. Estos 250.000 euros que he ganado y a pesar de que vivo en el país más pobre de Europa, me da vergüenza contárselo a mis compañeros. Porque es gracioso, porque es un poco…

Creo que no estás familiarizado en absoluto con este mundo... Te resulta divertido, estás siendo irónico, al parecer es así. No tienes idea de lo diferente que es. En realidad, yo también lo era. Al principio, recolectaba bonos y, de paso, intentaba ganar dinero con el póquer. Sin embargo, vi que también era rentable de esa manera. No lo creí de otra manera. Pensé que era una tontería, una estafa, algunos locos... Las personas que animan esto usan software. No es como si estuvieran hablando con las estrellas ni nada. Como jugadores...

Traducción automática:
hace 1 mes

They have trackers .Do you know what is this? This means if you sit on my table, i have unfair advantage over you. And this is allowed. Do you know why? Such a hard question...The pro gamblers are part of all this. In the betting they actually are on the top, bookmakers are bellow them.

hace 1 mes

I don't know, I don't think I'm ignorant or that I don't believe you. I was just stating my opinion of what I think about people getting rich from gambling and being able to profit from it. I didn't mean to attack you or anything like that. I'm just thinking about how many gamblers have come on here saying they are addicted and how it has ruined their lives, and now imagine telling someone like that that the way out of it is to become a professional gambler. I guess sometimes one can't imagine the impact it can have on individuals. I'm not denying that some people make money from it, but I'm saying that I don't think that's a lot of people in this world. If that were the case, everyone would be gambling and doing nothing else. 

So that's my opinion, there's no need to attack or anything like that. 

hace 1 mes

I am not saying that, mate. It's not a good "job". I already said that, didn't I? I think , I did..Anyway, I am talking for EV. "Expected value"..They still can gamble, but +EV, they do that -EV. At this point...They can turn their "hobi" into something profitable. In a long run..And all this time and money will not be wasted. Complete wasted. What wrong in that? I mean I just want to help them. Not to cheat or something. I didn't ask for money, didn't I? How then I can be a "cheater"? If I don't ask for money.

Is this against the rules? I am asking directly..I don't think so. As long as this site have activity, you will take your profit, no other way. Ok, some of them will not follow your links. Right now..Some guy see that, after a year, let's say . He sees my posts, he don't want to gamble in a casino anymore. Because of me. It will happen. Very unlikely, but possible. Still because of the activity that I am creating, you will have more people, who will follow the links. I did not say the names of the rooms or something. Didn't post a links or whatever. I didn't broke the rules of the forum.

Editado por el autor hace 1 mes
hace 1 mes

You can just "expand" your "catalog", there are casinos in Asia, they have an affiliate programs. No limits, no bans, no withdraw delay. All this problems, that you have with some casinos. Still cheating is possible, but from the game provider, not from the casino. We are talking for very rich people. With different mindset. And "Asia", it's not a "place", it's a "way". A way of doing the things, I don't know the word. For example there is an "Asian" house in Netherlands. It's not run by a Chinese or Japanese people, it's just a "model".

For example at this moment I am talking with some guy, who want to bet at higher stakes, he want to make big withdraws and deposits. If he have some interest to try that, he will follow the link from your site, he still will play in the casino, also they have referral link for the booky. It's a very small profit for you, but the bets will be large. Small as percentage...Not small as "profit".

Editado por el autor hace 1 mes
hace 1 mes

I believe that you ought to try to take into account what Jaro has said. I believe that this has created a significant communication barrier because you most likely did not understand what Jaro intended to say, and I, on the other hand, find it difficult to understand the context of what you have said.

However, that is alright. Maybe others will comprehend much more clearly. To put it simply, gambling always results in loss. This is not a safe route to "becoming wealthy." Moreover, highrolling can cost you a lot of money, and the winnings are never granted.

Casinos always win

Actually, what we are saying is that, especially when looking at things long term, playing at casinos should just be a fun way to lose some cash.

We sincerely hope you will not use our links to encourage random players to play at casinos. Have you ever observed a Casino Guru employee doing this? No, since we prefer to alert players about possible risks.

Please, take that into the consideration.

hace 1 mes

Ok, OK..Are you a Bulgarian? Yes, you are. And yes, if you make -EV bets, you lose, but still you can win, if you have a lot of luck or if you hit the jackpot. I didn't say something different. I am not breaking the rules, I am not lying and I said "the gambling is bad" , "don't do that"..So we have a situation here. A different "animal" which you still are not familiar with. This doesn't mean this animal is bad. Can be friendly, very possible.

Editado por el autor hace 1 mes
hace 1 mes

I see we have different views on this, but that's okay. It's fine, that's what the conversation is about. As long as it doesn't go into encouraging players to gamble or do something we don't think is right, it's alright. Each person can decide whether they'd rather play with a smaller amount to have fun or whether they want to profit from it. But there is a fine line where it can become an addiction, I think, because if we have it in our subconscious that we can make a profit out of something that is a hobby, then I think we try harder and are willing to spend maybe even more than we would like to. And as it was said wins are not always granted.

So that's it from my side.

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