PrincipalForoJuego responsableTest Your Gambling Style - Safe Gambling Week 2024

Test Your Gambling Style - Safe Gambling Week 2024

hace 2 meses de Mottorpop
1.636 visualizaciones 8 respuestas |
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Good day, I tried the 'test your gambling style' link. I think I am disappointed ... and it may be flawed.

) It has almost no instructions. I stare at the screen wondering what I can do for risk ... there is no betting. I finally start drawing cards assuming that the cards are random.

) I am actually doing well when about 1/3 of the way through it suggested ( ... sorry no spoilers here ... ) and then I do worse.

) Halfway through it asks if I see a pattern ... so I think about it and maybe I see a ( ... sorry no spoilers here ... )

In the end, it said I scored better than 75% of the people who take the test.

One problem is that if a pattern exists, you are no longer playing with risk. It becomes an advantage play situation and you are using a recognized uneven distribution to your advantage.

I like psychological / personality type tests because they can help show us our strengths and weaknesses ... but I think this test does not hold up well.

hace 2 meses

Well ... just for curiosity, I went back and took the test again. This time I used my original strategy the entire way through. I scored better than 91% of participants. Interesting ... but I still do not know exactly what it means since I do not know what they are truly testing.

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¿Qué tipo de prueba es ésta? ¿Cómo puedo encontrarla?

Traducción automática:
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This is the description given "For the Safer Gambling Week 2024, we have teamed up with Mindway AI to give you the opportunity to test your gambling style. Play a quick card game to learn about your sensitivity to rewards, wins, and losses."

It should be visible as an orange ribbon with a blue shield on the upper right of your screen ... on almost every page of this website for a few days. It only takes a few minutes.

hace 2 meses

Hi Mottorpop,

I appreciate your interest in the game and sharing your thoughts.

The game analyses your behaviour based on your reaction to losses and wins and your focus on either of the packs, as they are different and offer different potential gains and losses. There is another thread for this game:

Your goal is to end the game with as much money as possible. Similarly as when you risk your own money. Based on how much you end up with will tell you how good you were compared with others.


What I find more interesting is the following page, which will tell you more about your gambling style. Like it or not, gambling activates processes in your brain that influence your "logical" thinking. You deal with impulses thanks to the reward system (release of dopamine) in your brain. It makes people follow particular behaviour patterns. If you become aware of these patterns, it is easier to control your behaviour, thus decreasing the negative impact of gambling.


Editado por Radka hace 2 meses
Motivo: made the link active
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¿Qué tipo de prueba es ésta? ¿Cómo puedo encontrarla?

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Hi there!

Not seen the baner or pop-up? Don't worry, this green link 👈 will lead you straight to the test.

I recommend that you read Simon's hints; they may help you think through this game a bit.

Enjoy it, and don't forget to get back with your thoughts!

hace 2 meses

¿Qué tipo de prueba es ésta? ¿Cómo puedo encontrarla?

Traducción automática:
hace 2 meses

Please read the post from Simon above to better understand it.

It is accessible at the top of our website:


Let us know your thoughts, please.

hace 2 meses

Good day, by the end of the game, I think I understood what was happening. And the analysis it provides is useful. However,

I think my point in the test not being quite accurate is that it was influencing my decisions. The first time through I started strongly ... then it started giving suggestions ... I followed those suggestions more because I thought it would be necessary to get an accurate test score than I would normally play that way ... but following what it suggested made me lose a lot - it encouraged me to be more risky than I had started with!

Going back and trying the game a second time, using only my original plan did much better than when I followed it's suggestions.

The deeper question is how would I have played in a casino? Initially, I would say my original plan ... but I am an advantage player ... if I think a pattern (or uneven distribution) is occurring I would vary my play ... which does bring more risk if I am wrong ... but less risk if I am correct.

hace 2 meses

It is difficult for me to get rid of a bias and get fully in a role where I am risking my own money and making natural decisions. Mainly because I have played it many times before and spent a lot of time analyzing the game and learning how it works. That said, I believe the brief introduction is intentional, so you will not "think" that much and go with the flow.

As with any test or trial, it is not perfect. The game estimates your gambling style, but that is based on your attitude towards decision-making. It needs to be natural and real. It's like when you want to observe if people lick their finger when turning a page on a book. You cannot point their attention to turning pages. You tell them to read the book.

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