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Tema general sobre BetPlays Casino (página 7)

 de Darian
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email sent to , 24 hours later they replied wanting to know more details, I sent what I could, we will see what they will answer me..

So at least I'm glad they wrote you back. So let me know when you come up with something concrete that they replied to you. 🙂


Hola amigo, ¿hay alguna novedad?

Traducción automática:

Hello ,i've just received this mail today from

"Thank you for your inquiry.

 Due to limited capacity combined with illness, we could not get back to you more soon as we are used to. 

We sincerely apologise for that.

Is your case solved in the meantime? 

If not, regarding the information you provided, we handle many similar cases and the Foundation might be able to help you.Maybe it is best to start with discussing your case by phone via Whatsapp.

What day and time would suit you best?

My number from which I will call is ‭+34 643 593 483‬

Awaiting your reply,"

I hope they speak french, i will send them a message by whatsapp first..

Incluso a mí, después de ganar unas cuantas apuestas seguidas y llegar a los 1000€ (habré hecho 300€ en depósitos más o menos desde que abrí la cuenta) y después de enviar todos los documentos y selfies extraños que me pedían para hacer un retiro, me cerraron la cuenta quedándose con todo el dinero, diciendo que había incumplido los términos y condiciones, lo que obviamente no es cierto. Si tienes actualizaciones o has encontrado una manera de apelar o hacer algo, házmelo saber gracias

Traducción automática:

Hello, I'm so sorry, did they not tell you what Terms you violated ? That would definitely be good to know. Also, did you bet only on sports or did you play some slots ? 

Please let me know.

Solo deportes, me dijeron los términos violados pero los puntos citados contenían a su vez muchos otros subpuntos y por lo tanto no me dijeron el motivo real por el cual me cerraron la cuenta. Pregunté qué término exactamente había violado pero no me quisieron decir file

Traducción automática:

Solo deportes, me dijeron los términos violados pero los puntos citados contenían a su vez muchos otros subpuntos y por lo tanto no me dijeron el motivo real por el cual me cerraron la cuenta. Pregunté qué término exactamente había violado pero no me quisieron decir file

Traducción automática:

Hola, yo también fui estafado por, recurrí a un bufete de abogados y a varias asociaciones que brindan ayuda a jugadores que son víctimas de los casinos de Curazao. Lamentablemente, hasta la fecha no he recibido ninguna compensación, pero sigo con mi batalla

Traducción automática:

They told me the same thing, there regulators were in on this scam. Moreover, they are not licensed by gaming curacao anymore they changed their license to anjoun gaming, this company remains a shady company who gets to operate and is still allowed to take deposits, as soon as they see a winner, they keep your funds even the money you deposited and the winnings ofcourse, and there is no consequences for them. 0 Justice, never betting with offshore companies with these licenses ever again. I asked them to return my deposit , as I did not lose, they have not even given my deposit back it has been a year now.

Edit: and they still have 8.0/10 safety rating, it's a pathetic joke


Hola que decepción, de hecho me di cuenta que cambiaron su licencia, son unos malditos

Traducción automática:

Solo deportes, me dijeron los términos violados pero los puntos citados contenían a su vez muchos otros subpuntos y por lo tanto no me dijeron el motivo real por el cual me cerraron la cuenta. Pregunté qué término exactamente había violado pero no me quisieron decir file

Traducción automática:

Hello, that's a shame and I'm sorry for what you had to face. I saw from the screenshot that the casino appealed some point 3 and 9. Is there something more specific written there or not ?

Unfortunately, we at Casino.Guru do not deal with sports betting because we do not have experts in it, so we probably cannot help you in this case. But if you are interested, here are the links where you can try to get help. 

Links can be found here:

Do you think you'll bite the bullet and file a complaint there ?

They told me the same thing, there regulators were in on this scam. Moreover, they are not licensed by gaming curacao anymore they changed their license to anjoun gaming, this company remains a shady company who gets to operate and is still allowed to take deposits, as soon as they see a winner, they keep your funds even the money you deposited and the winnings ofcourse, and there is no consequences for them. 0 Justice, never betting with offshore companies with these licenses ever again. I asked them to return my deposit , as I did not lose, they have not even given my deposit back it has been a year now.

Edit: and they still have 8.0/10 safety rating, it's a pathetic joke

Did you also try to file a complaint somewhere ? Look at the links I sent in my previous reply. 

Unfortunately the Safety Index does not reflect sports betting and its problems. Since we don't have experts or a branch, we don't deal with such complaints because we don't have enough insight, so it would be unfair to change the safety index based on such things. 

I think that's understandable. 🙁

Looks like I'm the biggest loser here. They stole 24k from me . Check out the letter I just sent them.

Betplays Legal Department

3 griva Digeni Avenue, Patsalos House

6030, Larnaca, Cyprus

 Formal Complaint : Unlawful Account Suspension and Non-Payment of Funds

Dear Betplays Legal Department,

I am writing to formally demand the immediate reinstatement of my account and the release of my full balance of $24,115.03, which I have legally earned under your platform's terms and conditions.

I initially signed up with Betplays on May 24, 2024, and have wagered exclusively on sports through your platform. After withdrawing a small amount on June 11, 2024 which was accepted by your financial department, I redeposited $5,000 on August 29 2024. Followed by another $3,000, as confirmed by emails I have saved. I successfully increased my account balance to $24,115.03 through legitimate betting activities. After doing so, my account was unfairly restricted to $1 per bet, despite playing fully within the rules.

I then attempted to withdraw my funds, and after waiting for one week, I was informed on September 16th 2024 that my account had been suspended due to alleged violations of your General Terms and Conditions, specifically under Rules 3 (Multi-Accounts) and 9 (Criminal Activity, Collusion & Cheating).

Please be advised of the following:

No Multi-Accounts: I have never created or operated more than one account with Betplays. I have used only one account, which I have accessed solely from my computer, laptop, and cell phone. I have never shared or disclosed my account details with anyone.

No Criminal Activity or Collusion: I have never engaged in any criminal activity, collusion, or fraudulent behavior as outlined in your Rule 9. All my wagering activity has been conducted independently and fairly. I have no involvement in collusion or sharing of information with other players, nor have I attempted to manipulate the platform in any way.

Full Compliance: I have complied with all the applicable rules, including submitting my identity verification documents, which your team has approved, and have proof of all transactions, emails, and communications between myself and Betplays. My wagering history clearly demonstrates my compliance with your terms, and I have evidence of every wager placed and my balances.

Your decision to suspend my account and forfeit my balance without sufficient cause violates your contractual obligations and the principles of fair play. I hereby demand the immediate reinstatement of my account and the full release of my balance in the amount of $24,115.03.

Failure to comply with this request within 48 hours will result in further legal action, including but not limited to reporting your platform to relevant regulatory authorities (Comoros Licensing Authorities, TrustPilot, Casino-Guru) , initiating a formal legal claim for the recovery of my funds, and seeking damages for breach of contract and unjust enrichment.

I hope this matter can be resolved amicably and promptly.


Call me a detailist, but I would not consider us or TrustPilot to be "relevant regulatory authorities".

In any event, you should be aware that we do not deal with sports betting or anything similar right away. As a result, relevant user reviews and complaints are likely to be rejected. Is it accurate to say that you have only bet on sports? Just trying to steer clear of erroneous assumptions.

Yes it is accurate. I only used the site for sportsbetting. Also, I understand you are not a regulatory official. I simply put that there to let them know that I will be informing users of their mal practice. Plus after seeing on Trust pilot that a bunch of people all got scammed recently, we need to make sure this site loses their license.

24k is no joke...


Yes, I see. It really is serious!

I appreciate the explanation. My only goal is to steer clear of any potential misunderstandings.

I should also make it clear that there is nothing we can do to "punish" online bookmakers. I think "we" can only hope that you come to a just resolution, probably with the license provider.

Dear casinoguru please help I created an account on betplays about a month ago. I made a deposit and won some betting. I have passed full verification. I ordered a withdrawal, but after a week it was rejected due to violating the betting regulations, point number 3. This point concerns betting when you received a bonus. I had to take no deposit bonus. I had 700 euros in my casino account and they took them away for no reason. I didn't do anything wrong. I was accused of things I didn't do and the money I won honestly was taken by the casino.


I am really sorry about your experience from this casino.

I can see that you have already submitted a complaint here as well, but unfortunately, as I can see that the issue is related to sports betting only, I am not sure that we could be able to help.

You need to wait for the complaint resolver of your case to investigate it and then will let you know how to proceed further.

Dear casinoguru please help I created an account on betplays about a month ago. I made a deposit and won some betting. I have passed full verification. I ordered a withdrawal, but after a week it was rejected due to violating the betting regulations, point number 3. This point concerns betting when you received a bonus. I had to take no deposit bonus. I had 700 euros in my casino account and they took them away for no reason. I didn't do anything wrong. I was accused of things I didn't do and the money I won honestly was taken by the casino.

Hola, yo también fui estafado por, lamento informarte que lamentablemente ya no verás tu dinero. He presentado muchas denuncias en vano, esos ladrones han cambiado su licencia

Traducción automática:

Soy un jugador japonés

Encontré este hilo y publicaré mi queja y advertencia allí también.

Como ya está escrito aquí, los pioneros quizá ya lo entiendan, pero este sitio de casino está cometiendo fraude.

Y desafortunadamente, cuando miras la cantidad de rechazos consecutivos en el foro de reclamos en perspectiva, no parece que CasinoGuru esté actuando como un sitio de arbitraje cuando se trata de este sitio de casino.

No quiero escribir una queja de este tipo porque me ha ayudado otro sitio, pero Enviado el: 5 de diciembre de 2023

De las 31 reclamaciones presentadas desde entonces, 28 han sido fallidas sucesivamente en contra del jugador.

Los artículos acaban de ser confiscados y todavía estoy en el proceso de comunicarme con la otra parte y publicar mi queja, pero me gustaría que todos echaran un vistazo a la serie de interacciones que he tenido hasta ahora.

Este sitio me acusa de hacer trampa.

Sin embargo, no he incurrido en tal comportamiento y no hay forma de que haya creado múltiples cuentas o haya colaborado con otros.

Es probable que después de algunas idas y vueltas, BetPlays proporcione alguna evidencia inventada y CasinoGuru dictamine que fue la víctima.

Sin embargo, como se mencionó anteriormente, 28 despidos consecutivos de 31 casos es una cifra inusual para este sitio de arbitraje. (3 de esos casos aún no han sido decididos).

CasinoGuru debería asumir la responsabilidad y reexaminar internamente estos 28 fallos consecutivos.

Estoy seguro de que hay muchos otros jugadores además de mí a quienes les han confiscado sus ganancias por razones infundadas.

Decidí registrarme después de ver esta calificación.

No estoy seguro de si se registraron a través de este enlace, pero me he registrado a través de este grupo de casino muchas veces.

Porque confié en este sitio de reseñas cada vez.

Este incidente me hace creer que seguir teniéndolos en tan alta estima es un error en su filosofía.

Y me gustaría preguntarles a todos ustedes, los árbitros de Casino Guru.

Las personas que presentan quejas en los debates son pioneros de los casinos, y muchos veteranos también han sido víctimas del problema.

¿Por qué le dan un índice de seguridad de 8.0 cuando hay tantos problemas?

En el caso de un novato como yo, la respuesta puede no ser un factor confiable en sí misma, pero hay muchas afirmaciones y Adeptos Junior y Aprendices Junior en su sistema.

A pesar de que muchos pioneros respetables han caído víctimas y de las advertencias recibidas en los debates, parece que el sitio está recibiendo vía libre para ganar dinero.

Explique por qué ignora las quejas de miembros confiables en su plataforma y da margen de maniobra a casinos fraudulentos.

Traducción automática:

También hay algunos puntos sospechosos en este sistema KYC.

Proporcioné mi licencia de conducir como KYC.

Aunque hay un formulario de entrada manual, utilizan un software de reconocimiento de imágenes para leer el "frente" de la imagen de la licencia que usted proporciona y sobrescribirla sin su permiso.

Con una licencia de conducir japonesa, si se muda, las autoridades actualizarán el reverso de su licencia de conducir con la dirección correcta.

También actualicé la documentación en la parte posterior.

A pesar de esto, leyeron mal mi antigua dirección y fecha de nacimiento en el frente y sobrescribieron la información personal que había ingresado.

¿No es esto en sí mismo un acto ilegal de su parte?

¿No sería un problema si la información que ingresé fuera modificada sin mi permiso?

Traducción automática:
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