Mmm, me temo que si todos los jugadores tienen un retraso así, es posible que tarde un tiempo similar. Obviamente, tendrás que tener paciencia de nuevo para retirar el dinero, aunque sé que es frustrante. Hasta ahora, no parece que nadie haya escrito para decir que ha recibido el dinero en un tiempo razonable.
Pero si tarda más de 14 días, tienes la opción de presentar una reclamación ante nosotros.
¿Qué dices?🙂
Hmm, I'm afraid that if every player has such a delay, it's possible that it will take a similar amount of time. Obviously you'll have to be patient again to withdraw the money, although I know it's frustrating. So far it doesn't look like anyone has written to say that they have received the money in any reasonable time.
But if it takes more than 14 days, you have the option of filing a complaint with us.
What do you say?🙂
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