PrincipalForoJuego responsableTips for Responsible Gambling: Let's Share Our Advice

Tips for Responsible Gambling: Let's Share Our Advice

 de Collinsraf
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Welcome, fellow gamblers, to this forum article dedicated to responsible gambling. In the exciting world of casinos, online platforms, and betting, it's crucial to maintain a healthy relationship with gambling activities. By practicing responsible gambling, we can ensure that the enjoyment we derive from these experiences remains sustainable and free from harmful consequences. Let's come together and share our advice, strategies, and tips for responsible gambling.

Set a Budget: One of the fundamental principles of responsible gambling is to establish a budget. Determine how much money you can comfortably afford to spend on gambling activities without negatively impacting your financial stability. It's essential to set aside only disposable income—money that won't affect your essential expenses, savings, or any other obligations.

Avoid Chasing Losses: Experiencing losses is an inevitable part of gambling. However, responsible gamblers know when to stop. Avoid the temptation of chasing losses in an attempt to recover them. This behavior often leads to further financial and emotional strain. Accept that losses are a part of the game, and it's better to walk away and try again another day.

Understand the Odds: Educate yourself about the games you choose to play. Understand the odds and probabilities associated with each game. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and manage your expectations. Remember, gambling is predominantly based on luck, and outcomes are unpredictable. Avoid falling for false beliefs or superstitions that may lead to poor decision-making.

Avoid Borrowing for Gambling: It's crucial to never borrow money to fund your gambling activities. Using credit cards, loans, or any form of borrowed funds can lead to financial difficulties and a spiral of debt. Stick to your predetermined budget and use only your disposable income.

Set Win and Loss Limits: Establish both win and loss limits before you start gambling. Determine a specific amount at which you'll walk away from a winning streak to secure your profits. Similarly, set a limit for losses to prevent chasing losses and potentially digging yourself into a deeper financial hole.

Remember, responsible gambling is about making informed choices, setting boundaries, and maintaining control over your gambling activities. By following these additional tips, you can further enhance your gambling experience and prioritize your overall well-being.


Why does someone who warns about the downside of gambling feel the need to hide a link to casino? I would like to point out for the future that links of this type are not accepted on the forum.


However, I think this is a topic that is very important for all gamblers because gambling can become addictive. In context of responsible gaming, I add a link, that we have on our website and might be useful:


Our website also do have responsible gambling section. file


Does this forum forbid website advertising too?



The responsible gambling section of the forum is to try and help people who maybe struggling with their gambling behaviour.

If you want to discuss the benefits of the websites that you are trying to promote then why don’t you post the info in the general forum and leave this part of the forum for real responsible gambling discussion?

Any respectable online casino should teach their representatives to encourage responsible gambling and not try to poach vulnerable players.

Please think about your intentions and ask yourself if this behaviour is acceptable.


Well said!

Thank you very much for your support in this matter. I wouldn't say that better myself.

How do you manage your bankroll? I’m having trouble with it.


Hey, I'd probably set a budget first which I'm willing to spend. As long as it doesn't exceed the amount where I could get into trouble and always have everything I need covered. I would simply set a limit where it's still fun for me to maybe lose some money and not feel too sorry for myself. If I felt sad about losing more than that, that wouldn't be a good sign.

I would definitely play in a casino where they have responsible gambling tools and therefore I could set either a break if I didn't have a good turnover or as I mentioned a deposit limit that couldn't be exceeded. 

I'm not sure if it's in every bank but in some you can also set a limit but it could be limiting to your everyday life. 

Anyway, I wouldn't try to win back the losses, which is also common with players and you deposit more and more. 

Simply gambling should be an occasional pastime, just like you pay when you go to the cinema and so on. Sometimes you can win and sometimes you can't, but I would certainly not gamble often and with large sums of money. 

After all, the casino always has an advantage over the player, who will sooner or later lose the deposits here, you have to realize that. 

If none of this helps, then I would probably seek professional help because if a player has the urge to spend more and more, it can be a sign of addiction.

I hope you are not in anything like this and are looking for some good advice. 

Have a nice day. 🙂

Said very well Jaro, casino has a limited you can set not your bank. But I never do that because it would piss me off if I was into a game that has them three different colors and I was just about to get the bones and I ran out of money and you hit your limit wouldn't that piss you off?? so now your at your limit yes I know it will be there when you come back but I know me I forgot everything I mite never come back to that game, but in my case that wouldn't happen because I don't play them kind of games because they suck your money right up to turn around and only win the lowest amount of money, I hope that made since to you because I know what your saying.


I get what you are saying and that is why I said that the limit can sometimes be limiting. It's probably up to the players preference, because if a player can keep it within the limit, then it's not a problem, but as I said, when he starts chasing losses, it can go badly.

So I think we understand each other.

Your so right Jaro,what's in the pass leave it in the pass go on to a new day but be wise at what you doing don't be stupid by thinking awww I will play my rent money and win it back cuz it don't happen that way, if I don't have it I don't play it, DON'T BOWWOW ANY MONEY TO PLAY AT THE CASINO. Keep the good work up Jaro your the best at your job.❤️❤️


Jaro has left for a holiday, so it's just me again 🙂.

I expect him not to lose any money in the casino! Too smart to do that, I'm sure.

I'll send him a note to say hi to you when he's back next week. 😉

Me gustaría conocer algunas opiniones de la gente del foro. Si me permiten compartir mi historia.

Fui jugador de casino durante más de un año y conocí a uno que parecía bastante prometedor. Ahí empezó mi desgracia.

Conocí este casino y fue aquí donde me di cuenta que tenía un serio problema con el juego.

Entré varias veces al chat para pedir que cerraran mi cuenta. No mencioné claramente el problema con el juego, porque a quienes tienen problemas con el juego les da vergüenza decirlo.

Pedí varias veces después de perder mucho dinero que cerraran la cuenta, y en el chat siempre estuvieron atentos, haciéndome saber sobre algunas herramientas de juego responsable, como límites de depósito, límites de apuesta, pausa, pero nunca me hablaron de la posibilidad de autoexclusión.

La chica del chat debe haber analizado mi cuenta de jugador y sugerido que "bloquee los juegos de casino indefinidamente" mientras mantengo el área de apuestas deportivas.

Ese argumento fue suficiente para mantenerme activo en el casino.

Pregunta 1: ¿Qué se entiende por un período de tiempo indefinido? En mi diccionario, significa sin fecha de finalización.

Más tarde me di cuenta de que este método era lo mismo que nada, porque todo lo que tenía que hacer era iniciar sesión en el chat y solicitar que se desbloqueara el área del casino, y volvería a tener el casino. Incluso bloqueé y desbloqueé el área del casino docenas de veces al día.

2.ª pregunta: ¿No está obligado el personal del chat y el resto del personal del casino a recibir formación para detectar a los jugadores que muestran patrones de adicción al juego? En mi opinión, si están formados para ello, pueden ver fácilmente que un jugador que pide bloquear el casino varias veces al día es paranoico o tiene un problema de adicción al juego y deberían actuar para protegerlo.

Después de varias pérdidas y varias solicitudes para cerrar mi cuenta, me sugirieron un administrador VIP.

Me ofrece 500 euros y me garantiza todo el apoyo del mundo. Me ofrece cashback por pérdidas, etc... Bueno, para un adicto eso es devolver la vista a un ciego.

Este gestor de cuentas superprofesional y yo entablamos una amistad y cada vez me resultaba más difícil admitir que era completamente adicto. Cuando no había depositado dinero durante un tiempo, aparecía él con unos cuantos giros gratis o unos euros... y todo volvía a empezar.

Solo me armé de valor para cancelar la suscripción cuando cambiaron mi administrador de cuenta, e incluso con ese cambio tuve que cancelar la suscripción durante un fin de semana largo porque no quería que me convenciera de quedarme otra vez, porque lo haría.

Tercera pregunta: ¿Es normal todo este proceso? ¿Es legal? ¿Está permitida toda esta práctica?



Si pueden ayudarme con la respuesta a estas 3 preguntas se los agradecería.

Traducción automática:

Aww I don't mind talking to you, lol hope he don't get in a situation that he has to spend more money lol


Hi there.

Before I get involved, are you interested in my response too? Or would you rather give other players a chance to voice their opinions?

I'll check on you tomorrow.


Sí, Radka, me encantaría escuchar todas tus experiencias.

Algo honesto, porque estoy perdiendo el sueño con todo esto.

Traducción automática:

Hace unos 15 años, se utilizaban casinos

El concepto de "Juego Responsable"

En primer lugar, se han dirigido a ellos mismos, garantizando en todos los sentidos la honestidad y la fiabilidad. Pero en los últimos años sólo han cargado la psique de los jugadores con un sentimiento de culpa y les han hecho la vida más difícil con nuevos

Reglas ridículas.

Algo similar se practica también

En otras áreas: los médicos aman

Mencione la "ciencia de la deontología"

para hacerse pasar por ángeles.

Y de repente la policía se acuerda de...

"victimología" para convencer

La víctima dijo que la culpa fue suya

y provocó (!?) a los criminales.

En general, esto es muy perjudicial para la salud.

fenómeno - estar orgulloso de lo que uno supuestamente hace

adicción grave al juego. (CIE-11: 6C50.1; QE21)

O reconocerlo apresuradamente, lo que conlleva la pérdida de la capacidad jurídica por vía judicial, es decir, grandes problemas.

Robar exactamente a esta gente

El casino está tentado.

Ni siquiera una licencia lo garantiza

Honestidad. El 8 de febrero de 2018, el representante ruso ante la ONU, V. Nebenzya, informó que:

"Los cómplices del terrorismo se ganan la vida robando dinero a ciudadanos comunes a través de tiendas y casinos online falsos"

-Debes estar de acuerdo en que un funcionario de tan alto rango...

recibe información no sólo

De la televisión y los periódicos.

Sólo un jugador perdedor se convierte en un "ludópata patético y despreciable". Pero por ahora

gana, es un chico inteligente, guapo y afortunado.

envidiar e imitar.

En general, la adicción al juego puede tratarse.

ganancias. Solo necesitas

Cambia tu visión del mundo.

Por ejemplo, yo no juego en Internet, todo es demasiado

inestable y poco confiable.

Casi todo. Creo que Nassim Taleb

Me apoyaría en esto.

Algunas personas escriben aquí en el foro.

sobre las enormes sumas perdidas. Por esa cantidad de dinero que

Podría volar desde Europa

a Macao, Las Vegas, Australia...

O viceversa.

Por otro lado, lo logré.

Realiza viajes para el juego a bajo coste.

Traducción automática:

Muchas gracias por compartir. Lo que pienso es que alguien tiene que tener el coraje de tomar cartas en el asunto y poner fin a este robo descarado.

Traducción automática:

All casino games providers can't be trusted RTP and RNG no way!!

From the moment you deposit and choose a provider they know your IP address your gambling ways, and every spin is calculated to make sure the casino and they win.

The providers use sophisticated software that makes sure this happens, that's why you win at first and then you lose the bonus features are less frequent and winnings calculated so you win enough to keep playing but not enough to cash out. It's all a big con!! I got addicted for reasons I'm not going into, and stupidly played regularly for 7yrs 😭🤬🤪

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